Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Leyla McCalla
A touring drummer with variety and production experience who can offer a wide array of styles and textures. He plays most American Musics, Haitian Music and some Western African Music. He produces Electronic, Dance, World, Pop, Funk, and Experimental-Folk Music. If you are looking for a new sound or a spin on something familiar, send a message.
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I'm a freelance engineer always accepting new work to help clients achieve their desired sounds and grow as an artist from the experience.
After a diploma in Jazz (Electric Bass) and 2 years studying digital-music at the university I really enjoy creating music for my friends projects, as well as my owns, and I like working with people from different backgrounds.
Hello! I`m a Musician, Songwriter & Sideman since 90`s. Since 2016, I`m working in this loved area as a Music Producer. Here you can find my musical production space: https://ecletikamente-music.bandcamp.com I would love to produce your low-cost project, offering to you my remote mix and digital mastering services.
I am just an up and coming rapper trying to get my name out there. Free of charge
Awarded Creative and Art Director, I've worked with artists like DJ Snake, Mercer, Tchami, Vladimir Cauchemar... I'm always happy to collaborate with new artists to make their music visually alive, from Cover Art to Music Videos.
My name is Cesar Machado and I'm a Drummer, Arranger, Producer and I have a recording studio of my own, and I do mixes.
What’s going on ! My name is Daniel Sutton artistically known as DannyJ. I am 1/2 of a Rnb/HipHop duo called mannishmania! You can search us. I’m the singer of the group and wanted to offer my services else where also if anyone needed some dope vocals or writing. I can do reference demos and all! Look forward to working with you !
Im a vocal mixing engineer, producer, and songwriter. My specialization is the Art of mixing vocals
Recent Successes
"Another project well done by Tony B! Consistently reliable. Asked him to switch up a little bit on this one and sent a link to a song I was trying to capture the vocal style of. He nailed it!"
"Second time working on a song with Moe from Mach Ma Mecker - Recording and once again it was such a pleasure, I am really happy with the final mix! Superb communication, delivery and results. I would definitely recomm..."
"Karina was the perfect pick for my project. I was actually going to go with someone else, but they were a little slow in responding. Karina responded to my job quickly, and I'm so glad I chose her for my song. Super f..."
"Always great to work with Ryan!"
"Working with Macau was my first experience here . I'm extremely happy I decided to contact him to create an amazing latin pop instrumental. He was able to create something that matched the vibe and story I envisioned. "
"Thanks & Thanks & Thanks Alex! Another very great work from the excellent Master of Mastering ! cheers from Cologne Armin"
"Undy delivered fantastic vocals that hit the vibe I was going for perfectly! I would be happy to work with her again. "
"First class experience working with Brennan, he understood the brief perfectly and delivered way beyond expectations. I will return to use these services without a doubt!"