Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lexmo
Multi-instrumentalist with 20 years experience on stage and in studios. Songwriter/producer for Lil Wayne, Lis Elias, & Mandy Corrente, Lex Mo, Sierra Tay, Enri Costa, and internet sasha.
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Hi, I'm Pj Talbot I'm a professional musician with over 40 years experience. I have music and production certification from Berklee College of Music, released my 1st jazz/rock instrumental C.D. on iTunes in 2010 called "Lonsdale Strut". I play Electric & Acoustic Guitar , Dobro, Bass Guitar , Singer songwriter & Producer.
I'm a freelance producer based in Moscow, Russia. Available for remote mixing/mastering/remixing and session work. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.
A creation location for you to play with your dreams and make them a reality! Recording, mixing, photography and filming options. Hours of operation: 8AM - 10PM Gated and (2) private parking spaces available.
Discography/Markita Ferguson/Marquee/ Block Share Inc LLC Perfomance/ Features/ Writing Credits Kelis- Album (Kaliediscope) Song: “Mafia” ft. Markita Ferguson and Pharell Williams Album (The Shield soundtrack) Pharell Williams- Song:”Mafia” Kelis ft. Markita Ferguson and Pharell Williams Song: “Wild Cowboys” ft. Markita Ferguson (Short Version)
Multi-instrumentalist with 20 years experience on stage and in studios. Songwriter/producer for Lil Wayne, Lis Elias, & Mandy Corrente, Lex Mo, Sierra Tay, Enri Costa, and internet sasha.
Your Vision, My Mission.
Passionate Vocalist and Musician looking forward to bring changes in hearts of people through music.
Recent Successes
"Tyler is an absolute pleasure to work with. She listened to what I wanted and put her spin on it to great success. She created the perfect remix for me and I love it. I will definitely be working with her again."
"How do you spell amazing? Austin Leeds. Enough said."
"His work is quick and gives you thebest possible sound you can imagine. Affordable and will turn your song in a hit."
"I have wanted to work with Silk for a while as I wanted a British female singer with personality coming through in her vocals and a unique tone which I found she had in buckets. When I finally had the right project we..."
"Amazing experience. I absolutely enjoyed working with Coso, quite dynamic in his approach to his profession. Will definitely be continue to work with him throughout the rest of my project. Hopefully career! "
"It was an amazing experience working with Robbie. He brought some serious talent to this project - I highly recommend working with him. Communication was positive and quick as well!"
"Gaz was a pleasure to work with. He delivered professional quality vocals really fast and I'm definitely looking forward to working with him again! Thanks Gaz!!"
"Leo is a very skilled musician with the ability to deliver high quality material aligned with what the client asks for in terms of musical, emotional and technical performance. Leo also has a professional and friendly..."
"When you're Spending Money it's hard to know who's gonna give you Grade-A Quality... Direckt got the EARS & The KNOW HOW!!! Gem in the Rough.."
"Very professional and super easy to work with! I’m looking forward to working with Andrew against :)"