Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with lester rey
HipHop | Pop | Indie | House Member of Late Nite Laundry (20k+ monthly listeners)
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Greetings! I'm Marty Weeks, half of LinMar Productions in Jacksonville Florida. My partner is my fiancee Linda Keser. We have our own little recording studio and produce original songs. We also offer online session tracking.Specialty is harmonica and vocals. Rhythm Guitar and percussion as well.
Professional Musician, Guitarist, Composer, Arranger, from Japan. Vietnamese Japanese Vietnam name is Trần Ngọc Vương
Professional Music producer and engineer, available remotely or at studio in Brighton. I have a strong portfolio of work on my website www.goldtone.co.uk as well as more info about me...
I am a Vocalist, Songwriter and Producer from Ireland, based in London. I specialise in Chill, Soulful and Electronic Sounds; however I have a good range and can adapt to most styles. I have a huge love for lyric writing and decent Production and Mixing skills also.
British multi genre music producer, mix engineer and audio master.
Young but music is all my life. I'm a graduated producer.
Producer,musician,mix engineer,orchestrator,composer
Producer, Composer, Mixing/Mastering Engineer & Session Musician.
Recent Successes
"It's a great pleasure to collaborate with Arthur. He is so skillful and trustful. I do recommend Arthur to make good music with."
"Brad is a really good producer who understands your song profoundly. He took my trackto another level - without changing its basics. That's just amazing. And his sound is so modern you think it's something from 2021,..."
"Corin is fantastic to work with! He is a wizard. He really understands the core of each song, and knows what it takes to get there. He was able to produce, compose, and play any part that was needed. His skill in engi..."
"Drew is very talented, He knows how to communicate with other people. He is very polite. He is very good at working an idea out for his job. His voice is really good and beautiful. Drew is a hard worker!"
"Thanks Gabriele for making my dreams come true! Gabriele has a heart for our projects, he is also a man of his word, and such a talented Guitar Player. Hire this man!"
"James was very prompt and professional. He did a great job on mastering my track once again.I would recommend James to everyone! "
"Stefanie provided absolutely superb vocals. Incredible voice, easy to work with, in short a truly professional singer! Will definitely work together with her again :-)"
"And another one from me! Stellar job and very quick turnaround! He definitely lifted my track to the next level."
"Ethan nails it with very little direction. Highly recommended. Thx Ethan! "