Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Les Amis de la Lune
I'm a sound engineer working in my own music and sound production studio Hexod Studio in Lille, besides my job as a stage manager at le Nautilys, Comines. In top of this, I'm also a singer and guitarist, and I worked on few artistic projects from folk/rock to hip-hop and metal.
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More providers:
We are seasoned hip hop mixing/mastering engineers as well as a production team specializing in progressive hip hop beats. We cover all genres - boom bap, trap, melodic, traditional - while adding our own twist. We pride ourselves in giving our artists unique, original soundscapes to create with. No "type beats" here.
Worked with major artists and independent artists. Own label, publishing, production company.
London based session woodwind player | Experienced West End musician and recording artist on all flutes, saxophones, clarinets & double reeds. Experienced in Orchestral, Big Band & Pop genres.
I'm here to create beautiful guitar support that will stick with you.
I'll help you unlock your music's full potential, contact me and let's make some magic!
It all starts with a dream, so lets make music.
I am a strong composer and multi-instrumentalist,(guitar, violin/viola, mandolin, banjo, vocal +) with excellent production and engineering skills. I can play tracks as requested or help you fully realize your songs from beginning to end. I look forward to working with you!
i will make it big no matter what you think
Recent Successes
"Marcello is outstanding!!! He has a great sense of what is required. Will definitely look to you for future projects! Thanks Marcello! "
"Chris was great to work with. I did my homework by checking out various recordings so I knew what to expect from his vocals, but it’s still a great feeling listening back to my song with him singing. A great, unique a..."
"Another great job! Excellent beat! Recommended."
"2nd time using Rob's services - came back for a good reason!"
"What a pleasure to have access to such wonderful musicians (Jay - guitars & producer - and his band for bass and drums). A rough piano track becomes a great rock song, with a wave of a magic wand. Very cool!"
"Dan really did it. I had a vision in my mind and he absolutely, 100% not only realized it, he exceeded my expectations. Now finally, I have more than just a homemade demo, I have a real, polished, produced, and profes..."
"Gideon was so great to work with. He was attentive to the details that I provided and he delivered my vision flawlessly. Really looking forward to working with him the future!"
"He's got amazing gear and an incredible ear. Love making songs with François!"
"Working with David was great! High quality work, easy communication and perfect on the first pass."
"Zach was a dream to work with. The ease in workflow was so refreshing. I almost didn’t work with him in efforts to cut costs but the quality that he provided me was nothing to miss out on. He really set the bar so I h..."