Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with leon james
Mixing / Mastering Engineer
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Mix Engineer / Producer from London, UK
Arrangements for strings and other instruments; Film & TV scores; Production and Remixing
Having engineered and produced for dozens of artists, including Rich Gang artist Bleu Davinci, and amassing millions of play in the process, I know what it takes to turn your sound from questionable to marketable.
Mixing Engineer, Producer, and Mastering Engineer
Producer with a lot of feelings to express and connect with people
please email my mgmt natasha@cultiv8artists.com for all inquiries
Old School mixing with that in-your-face sound! Interested? Contact me!!
I know how to make Alan Walker style EDM music. I can make background music for your song in the style of Alan Walker.
Recent Successes
"Perfect sounding track! Arthur will go the extra mile for your track! Sounds awesome, recommended! "
"I had a vision of what I wanted my song to sound like but unfortunately I do not play the drums. I recorded a simple beat in Logic Pro X and sent it over to Nate with the melody track behind it. What he sent back to..."
"PERFECT, AMAZING work !! ( As Always !! ) Highly recommended !!!"
"Amazing and talented writer and Singer, everything receaved sooner as expected in High Quality, cant wait for the next project to send"
"Excellent work as always!!!"
"At this point I think Nikos is the only violinist I'll work with. Perfect performance and went above and beyond with extra elements as always! Thanks, Nikos!"
"Starting a new project with Camilo, again! He just mastered the first single and boom! right on!"
"Work twice with lukas and of course I’ll work a third time and a fourth with him cause he’s super professional and dedicated with the songs we made. It’s probably my favorite person of this music industry to work with..."
"Definitely one of the most talented guitarist I’ve ever worked with, really good communications, get the job done fast and sounded amazing! You won’t regret working with Trevor!"