Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Leanne Mitchell (Winner The Voice 2012) Jamie Johnson (Finalist The Voice 2014) Rachel Cardy
I am a professional UK-based online session guitarist, songwriter, and tutor. I work in TV, with Gold and Platinum selling artists and with upcoming singer/songwriters.I love to work with anyone who is creative. So, if you need guitar on your track or if you need an entire song written including both lyric and music,I can help.
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We have been working in this new facility for about 3 years. The control has been designed by Francis Manzella. Our crew has been twice in the phenomenal seminar called "Mix with the Masters" in South France with Andrew Scheps (Adele, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Lana del Rey, etc.) and Jack Joseph Puig (U2, Snow Patrol, John Mayer, etc.).
"If you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you'll be successful" 💯
I work fast to meet clients requirements and deadline.
Music producer, recording engineer and mix engineer based in London, UK.
Making a track, Composer
I am a world music producer. I play Baglama as session player, as well as, mixing and mastering engineer.
I specialize in detailed digital and analog production. I split every note down on most projects. I am here to offer CHEAP/GOOD/FAST production all the way to 1 TERRABYTE OF WAVs for an NFT. There will be multiple types of GIGs.
Recent Successes
"Fast working, vocals in tune, perfect timing, great guy! "
"David has done a fabulous Mix for my song!!. I am super happy with the output. Especially he did magic with the Drum tracks. He gave a whole new life to the Kick and the snare and beautifully blended with the Base, ..."
"James is truly the best at what he does. He always seems to somehow know exactly what I’m going for and brings out the things in my mix that I wasn’t able to. He’s also always been able to turn the song around for me ..."
"Noah always delivers top quality work. He understands and makes sure his product is excellent and 100%!"
"This is my second time working with Sean. Had a great experience the first time around, and just as great of an experience this time. Great writer and performer. Extremely professional. Provides exactly what I ask for..."
"As always high quality masters and fast delivery, always top of the game!"
"it was amazing working with Andres again , he always provides the best Quality, feedback and finishing Master, at this point I'm truly seeing him as part of my team!! Thank you again for Delivering and giving the tr..."
"I had a great experience working with Matt, Great work, very professional, accommodating, and sets a comfortable tone of collaboration to ensure the best outcome as possible. I look forward to collaborating again."