Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lazy Jade
I approach each song as a unique canvas, adding just the right amount of color and texture to bring your musical vision to life. Let's create something special together.
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I love recording and I'd love to be part of your project!
Trying to get it on my own
I will make your music sound radio-ready. Period.
Markpain is a Gold Award music producer who has recorded with multiple platinum artists in the music industry who have obtained an American Music Award or Grammy. Being a pioneer in the music business mark has been consistet productive wise. Some of His Credits Include The Legendary Boyz II Men and Bell Biv Devoe.
65,000,000+ streams, Spotify Editorial Playlists, Worldwide Radio and more! If you need to get your songs affordably mixed and mastered, look no further! I will mix and master your song to get it ready for streaming on Spotify, Apple Music and all the other streaming sites!
I'm a singer songwriter. Produce and mix my own works. Check them out on all of the music platform!
If you listen to Electronic music, you might have heard one of my tracks, "Movements" already. It has amassed over 400 million streams worldwide. When it comes to creating music I love bringing the artist's vision to life and make it sound incredible. My music is mostly electronic, but I love anything that is related with music!
Record Producer, Songwriter
Recent Successes
"Love collaborating with Maria! She's an amazing singer and always a pleasure to work with."
"Romantic and soothing voice I enjoyed working with Tony. He adjusts when necessary the lyrics of the song. I recommend TONY"
"Always such a joy to work with Ian, he’s so talented and on top of it, I’ve been super super happy with what he’s done with my tracks, and look forward to continuing to work with him. "
"Lucas is the REAL DEAL! Totally professional and a genuinely nice person with love and passion for music! Great player, and an even better arranger/MD/overall musical badass!"
"Sefi did an amazing job on the master. We have been working hard on this project for months but have not found the correct mastering engineer until now. Highly recommend! "
"Such a pleasure working with Dan. He has an amazing musicality and understanding of my style and creativity. Will work with him again soon! "
"Thank you for delivering an exceptional vocals true talent. Enjoy working with you sir ! I know I can send you any music and you turn it into something extraordinary. True artist !"
"Luke is superb! A five star drummer and professional. It was a pleasure. I won't hesitate to work with him again. He can easily collaborate and follow any direction, quick communication and turn around. Thank yo..."
"With all due respect to all the audio engineers on this planet, there is nobody else I'd rather work with than Matt Bishop. Matt's an absolute KING! Thanks so much elevating our music to a much higher plane! "