Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lázaro Cristóbal Comala
Hi! I'm Daniel, music producer and multi instrumentalist from Mexico. Recordig,editing,mixing & mastering services available!
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We are In Depth Entertainment. We specialize in audio recording and remote mixing and mastering with over 8 years of business experience.
Hi! I'm Maria Rae, a singer songwriter based in London, specialising in lyrics and melody. I love collaborating with other musicians and have a vocal style that works best with pop songs.
Down Lo production is a production company started in 2016 by Clem Lo. After having worked with numerous artists from France and USA such as Lord Felix, Lilacs., Jay Critch, Lick Neon, Mosie, Anetta Morozova etc..., the company moved to Brooklyn and is currently pushing its boundaries further by working on a musical.
Earned more than 140.000 streams over a short time of 4 months. People recognize the sound & lyrics immediately. I can write for almost all genres, but love and heartbreaks are my specialy.
Recorded on more than 700 Albums. Contact me for for questions.
Nothing in this world makes you feel more than music. Let's do this together and make the best we can do out of it.
The music industry is competitive. Having a professional sounding mix and master can be the make or break difference between your song being heard all over the radio or only by your friends and family. That’s where I come in! My name is Eli "Juwan" Manning, and I’m the missing piece to your next big hit!
Recent Successes
"We were looking for a female vocalist with a solid rock sound, and after a few failed attempts, we came upon Vio. She really fit the bill and was very easy to work with, as well as completing 8 songs for our album in ..."
"Paul did a great job with my song and a fast turn around. His piano style and orchestration made my song far better than I imagined. I'm lining up my next project to do with Paul already"
"Great voice, could even sing musical songs. Thanks for your work!"
"Another truly sublime experience working with Marcello and his wildly talented team!! This one was all about versatility: while most of the album we are working on is full on rock and roll, this song, an emotional bal..."
"He is direct and helped change stuff to sound better ;) I like our session and will recommend him."
"Andres gives clear mix feedback and the final masters always sound fantastic. Incredible mastering engineer and always a pleasure to work with."
"I have worked with Dexy for a couple of times now, and I'm always happy with the end result he is sending me! This was not the first time, and sure it's not the last time I will turn to Dexy for my next mastering job...."
"Bram always does a fantastic job on the master!"