Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lawand
We know you want the best sound for your project, right? Let us fastly deliver your sound but with the full industry quality our ears love! We have 10+ years of experience. Working with the historic Harlem, NY "The Apollo", also artists like Su Su Bobien, Hezekiah Walker, and several independent artists. We look forward to working with you!
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I'm a producer/remixer/dj based in Holmfirth, West Yorkshire (UK)
Let's make some great art.
Melodías pegajosas y muy comerciales. Influencia latinoamericana, baladistas de diferentes generaciones con conocimiento y experiencia en géneros modernos como el reggaetón.
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If you are looking for something dynamic, unique, catchy, and pop, I could be the one you are looking for. What I can really bring to your music is how it's not only experimental, and new but also can still convey the feeling that you want for your music.
I am a your prducer, I also do mixes and masterings of tracks.
Versatile vocalist & topliner with a knack for crafting captivating melodies, specializing in soul-pop vibes. Original song "Shy Guy" was placed in Netflix's 'Survival of the Thickest', starring Michelle Buteau. Experienced in pop, soul/r&b, funk, and EDM vocal styles. I also love stacking harmonies! Let's collaborate and bring your music to life!
Award winning Afrobeat singer and songwriter.
Recent Successes
"Alex is the man if you need a song master. He will do what it take to make sure. Is also patient and good at communicating."
"Victor is an amazing vocalist and a great arranger! My expectations where high but what he actually came up with really blew my mind. What a find, what a match! Highly recommended :)"
"This first project came out really dope, Was good working with him and for sure gonna stay in touch for future releases"
"Robert L. Smith is a music legend and a gifted producer, musician and human being! I had a fantastic experience and an epic outcome! His patience with me and willingness to explore different ideas was exceptional! A t..."
"Javi did an incredible job restoring a track that I recorded under less-than-ideal circumstances. Thank you very much! :) "
"He is such a good mixing engineer!!! And he was right, with all his decisions. Beautiful Sound:-) .... it´s always great fun working with him!!"
"Colton was excellent to work with, as always."
"First time working with Marco and I have to say that my expectations were exceeded. What a great, tasteful player. Quick turn around. Total Pro. Excited to do more with Marco. 5 stars"
"Arthur was great to work with. He had great suggestions to make the song better, but he also was very intentional of making the song the way I heard it in my head. He was also happy to answer questions throughout ..."