Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lauren Shusterman
If you like a visceral, original and well-produced song, with punch and heart, delivered in Stereo or ATMOS music format, If you want to improve your songwriting or want to take your song to that place you hear in your head, then I'm your man! I'll play, record, fix, mix, master and even sing it! Let me help you take your music where it belongs!
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Producer, Mixing and Mastering.
I do multi-track digital mobile recording, freelance recording, mixing, mastering and producing. I started recording in 1967. I have worked on many top 40 hits. I hold a BS in Communications with a minor in music, a JD and 2 PhDs. It is all about the music.
Authentic, native west Texan with a bass to tenor range and excellent pitch. I'd love to lend my vocals to your next project, and be a part of something big!
I am currently primarily working the UK Jazz/Funk scene, playing In venues such as the 606 Jazz Club In Chelsea on a regular basis. I work In many different bands, performing a wide range of styles and repertoire. I can handle almost anything the client throws at me. I like to rock a young/trendy/modern look and I'm a great hang.
Ricardo Sao Pedro is a music producer & audio engineer. He loves working with artists to take their songs from demos to full-on productions.
Spanish, latino rapper from San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Here to help you to achieve your artistic vision. Versatile and eclectic mix as needed.
Billboard Multi-Genre Songwriter/Producer | Lo-Fi Artist | ReWriter Co. Founder & CEO
Recent Successes
"When I contact Chris to write and make the melody of my title, I did not believe too much because it is a music that she obviously did not know. She pleasantly surprised me. She has adaptability and ease in creativity..."
"Prompt Delivery!"
"Such an awesome vibe to Christoffer's voice!! He absolutely nailed it!!"
"James helped me a lot with my song and the work surrounding it. I got great feedback about my work which helped bring the song to the next level. I definitely recommend him."
"Tom is extremely talented and a real professional. The sound quality of the harp is the best you can get. Tom's harp was really the icing on the cake for my song. I am so happy with the part he wrote and played. ..."
"well done, we are very happy with the input we got. "
"Another great track by Dennis....HIGHLY recommend...Dennis is a great player...and always hits the mark!!"
"Phenomenal as always. Finding a mastering engineer that consistently does exceptional work, and that you know what to expect every time without having to even think about, is invaluable. Always a pleasure working with..."
"Flexible, easy to work with, great results!"