Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with late night vegas
Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Ples Jones, I am a DJ, music producer, audio engineer and independent label owner. I offer artist development to help an artist succeed. My genres are Hip Hop, Rnb, Urband Latino, Reggaeton, & Deep House. My label is called Exceptional Music.
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My goal is to make your record sound the way you imagine it in your head. I focus on the end listener's perspective when I mix a record - emphasizing what will *feel* good over what will *sound* good. Recording services available for those located in the Los Angeles area.
Hi, my name is JK. Im from South Korea where I am in a famous production team called "Young & Live". I have been producing, writing lyrics for major Korean Film and commercial. Our production has been actively producing for No.1 music TV show in Korea called "The Best Old Songs" and been producing for Korean idol groups.
Looking for that silky, punchy and saturated warm analogue finishing royal touch for your latest project you are proud of? Koenich Sound is offering Royal Audio services in Mixing & Mastering for Vinyl, Tape, CD and Streaming releases up to your total satisfaction.
I'm a magicien. What you wants it's what you get.
I have more than 10 years of experience in writing and mixing
21 y/o 3rd year aerospace student who makes musics and plays vidja games
I am an audio engineer with almost 20 years of experience. I do mixing, mastering and production.
Professional mixing, mastering, arrangement, keyboard parts recording, acoustic drums recording. Creating a full album sound concept from scratch. 20+ years of pro mixing experience.
Recent Successes
"She is a very talented artist. From now on, I will do a lot of work with Aika."
"My last two orders were amazing, Chad is the man. No one else i'd rather help me finish my EP.. "
"I can't recommend Michael enough. I'm running out of new great things to say about him...the most important thing is, he's easy to work with and he delivers every time."
"Ryan is one of the best in the business! He took our vocals, sound, and vision to the next level! You will not be disappointed working with him!"
"Man, Pablo on the drums is awesome and he's the coolest to work with! "
"Excellent work and also a very helpful person. Justin provided me with invaluable feedback about my mix so if you want to have a great mastered track, and learn and grow, ask for his insight, it's worth it !"
"Arlis you are the most amazing person I ever had worked with. Im not a big star, but you write songs to me as I have been one. ❤️. (I’m working hard) ;-) All the songs we have made, is a part of my life know, and I..."
"John was excellent to work with. He was timely, communicative, and really kept my creative needs in mind when mixing. He was able to take my song and refine it to give it impact. I would definitely work with him again!"
"Brad is always fun to work with and always has great ideas for everything he works on with you! "