Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Late Arrival
I am a session drummer and producer living in Nashville, TN.
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I've worked with JILL SCOTT, ANTHONY HAMILTON, WILL DOWNING, NORMAN BROWN & MUSIQ SOULCHILD, to name a few and I'm interested in working with YOU!
Songwriter on the Lumineers' album Cleopatra ("Where the Skies Are Blue"); Currently mastering from my home studio while not working on my own project (Abe Abraham)!
If there's a way then I can make it happen. Easy going and straight forward.
Been producing music for 4 years now, Did an intern at a studio as a mixing engineer and sound designer, I've worked with other artists online to mix and master their music i also produced music for pop singers and rappers.
Check out my song, "Prove It" on youTube!
Appearing on the voice and amassing over 5 million streams on spotify alone makes me a great addition to any creative project. My experience coupled with my youthful spirit allows me to adapt to any creative brief and compliment your project.
I'm an artist/producer from OKC. Production style leans toward rap, melodic rap, rnbass, trap, house, pop, pretty much pop genres except country. plenty production in a semi mixed state I'm sure will provide a vibe you're looking for that we could finalize if selected. I also LOVE bringing ideas to life from scratch with the artist/voice records.
De vida para o que acredita!
Recent Successes
"Second project with Zefan is a challenging traditional music instrument Japanese style song, he understands the references tracks accurately and the final production is amazingly good. I know he's good at making touch..."
"Drew was very light in everything... discussion, time and so on! so i tell you guys if you want everything without any headache Drew is the best for it! thank you!"
"Gemaine's voice is incredible, his range is insane and he's easy to work with! 5 stars for sure"
"This is my third time working with TJ and always gives really slick pop mix and masters! Always does great first mixes but the few notes we do have he smashes through very quickly! "
"This is my umpteenth time working with Elias and there's a reason for that. Just read the reviews, they'll tell you all you need to know. Elias is simply the very BEST -- top shelf in every way! Wouldn't dream of goin..."
"Loved working with Jordan. He is a real pro, his voice sounds dope and the topline idea is catchy. Also communication was easy and smooth. "
"Fast turnaround, Daniela understood what our track needed and went above and beyond to deliver a high quality mix! Can't wait to work with Daniela again!"
"Scott always goes the extra mile to nail what I'm trying to work on, and I truly appreciate it. I'm sure he will do his best take any project he works on as far as it can to reach its potential. Scott Foster Harris = ..."
"Nathalie was the first singer/songwriter that I've worked with via SoundBetter and I could not be more pleased with her work! She came up with the lyrics for my my music and her vocals hit the vibe of the song spot on..."