Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lancia
Professional duo ready to take your projects to a professional sound and beyond. With more than 50 years of overall experience with labels, radio, TV and international artists, a degree in songwriting and music production, we know we can help your music reach its full potential.
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Quality recordings at incredible rates in a comfortable and creative atmosphere.
I deliver high-quality Rock and Metal mixing & mastering services.
I am a professional Classically trained Mezzo-Soprano. My training allows me to perform many styles including Classical/Opera, Jazz, Pop, Musical Theatre and Retro/Vintage. As well as performing live at venues such as The King's Head Theatre and The Royal Festival Hall, I am a Session Singer who adapts my vocal technique to meet my client's visions
Hi, my name is Henrique Bon and i am a producer from Brazil. I work with trap and hip-hop in general, 3 years mixing and producing this gender. Audio Engineer graduated!
Make Your Songs Sound Crystal Clear
Mixing and Producing Electronic music of all types and sorts since the early days of synthesizers. 50+ albums released, best known from the early work with A Split-Second. Work varies from uptempo (Chayell) to contemporary songs (The Serious Five, Wasteland), minimal electronic (Linear Movement, Twilight Ritual) and ambient (Chayell Zen).
11 years experience. The first order of mixing&mastering for free/
Recent Successes
"It was cool working with Cristiano. He is very reactive and his music is great. I had received 4 perfect recorded drum tracks. He hoisted up my work to the best. I hope I will have the chance to work with him again an..."
"Thank you, the mix is wonderful!"
"Rob goes above and beyond with his mixes and masters. This is the fourth occasion we work together and he always delivers quality. Will definitely come back very soon! Thanks Rob! "
"Second time working with Susannah! Incredible artists/designer who adds life to the music. Delighted I found her!"
"Molly is brilliant and expressive, she seems to feel my intensions with rhythmic changes and adds a huge harmonic element to my music. Perfect!"
"Tyree did it ONCE AGAIN!!!! Extremely reliable, extremely well rounded in sound quality and song delivery as always!!!!!"
"SUVI is from another world. Her artistry and creativity is incredible. You will get top-notch songwriting and performance with her. She captured my ideas and executed them into the song all in one go without minimal ..."
"Another song just finished with Matt Bishop. My vision is consistently being achieved. Will come back for more!"