Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lalinea
Mix & Mastering Engineer | Specializes in HipHop, Trap, Electronic, Bass music, Techno and Club. Spotify Playlist of my work: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0qWc73bhjqEfNbLJGnz1nm?si=a4d2473c7d314206
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Recording, mixing and mastering
I´m a music producer living in Sweden. I have a commercial studio and a lot of experience. I´m signed to a big label as producer for an upcoming artist. My expertise is mixing, producing tracks etc. I´m always looking for new exiting projects.
I'm an engineer, producer, musician, sound designer and a songwriter based in Atlanta, GA with more than 26 years of experience in the music industry. I have worked along side Grammy Award- winning producers, world class musicians and chart topping artists, such as Kim Burrell, Kierra Sheard, Kevin Bond, Calvin Rogers, Jonathan Dubose Jr, and more!
I specialize in Experimental and Electronic music i.e. Down tempo, IDM, Techno, Post Rock, Shoe gaze. However I'm not limited to or stuck in any specific genre. I will take on and own any project that has creativity and passion.
I'm an electronic music producer with over 10 years of making music in Ableton. Hire me for production, sound design, arrangement, songwriting, mixing and mastering.
The best songs make you feel emotion. Whether you need a powerful piano to drive the song, an atmospheric synth to set the mood -- I have the skills to deliver.
A creative cellist recording/performing for artists such as Corinne Bailey-Rae, Lewis Capaldi, Sting, Brand New Heavies, Rag 'n' Bone Man, Jersey Street, Rufus Wainwright, Damon Albarn, The Ting Tings, Katie Melua, Elbow and Cherry Ghost. Simon enjoys a varied freelance career in Orchestra, Opera, Theatre, Recording and Session work.
Get sound you want.
Recent Successes
"Amazing service as always! Nails it everytime. Would really recommend Klaas for your project."
"Kyleen arranged and recorded an incredible string section for my track. I was completely blown away by it, it was exactly what I was looking for. She's a very talented string player, very kind and a pleasure to work w..."
"Done strictly according to the brief. Thanks a lot, hope to keep on working with this guy again & again! "
"Jonathan was extremely timely in his delivery, while also making sure the quality is unmatched. Overall, a 5-star experience."
"I am so happy I met Ohad. I could not have made a better choice. He does not only do mixing; he does the art of mixing, and he really believes in your track and can see what no one can see in it. Even I could not imag..."
"A pleasure to work with, and an excellent guitarist. Has great insight into songwriting and guitar work as well!"
"Christian was an amazing artist to work with and Definitely hit the mark with everything that I wanted from him artistically. We did an electronic music track, and he did the perfect vocals for it🤘❤️🔥❤️🔥"
"Skillful artist who is will to take a challenge. Thank you for your perfect work."
"Melissa was professional and did an amazing job in a really small time-frame. Huge thanks"