Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ladies Ballbreakers
Hi, I created Tomato Sound Factory in March 2006, since, Tomato Sound Factory is a cool place for music post-production. Built by Philip Newell, the studio sounds so great. It will be a pleasure to get in touch and work for your music.
More providers:
I am a recording/mixing engineer. Worked in the US for different studios and live venues for 2 and half years, after working in Italy for more then 10 years. I also record live events, mix Theatre companies and live shows.
IronOak Sound is Veteran owned and operated, my training comes from working in Nashville, TN and my degree in Audio Production from Middle Tennessee State University. I have worked with everything from bedroom productions to professionally tracked sessions.
I'll score your film, produce your next hit, and record/mix your album. Give me a shout!
Richie Maynard aka Fada Rebbs is the musician and technician behind the new sound of UK Reggae - Neo Reggae. Producer of 3 number 1 reggae hits and several top 10 hits he is meticulous and finger on the pulse he pays great attention to sonic detail. He creates grooves and rhythms that make your songs sparkle and stand out amongst the others.
A professional mixing and mastering engineer
Multi-instrumentalist! Save time & £, get musical ideas sorted, played, recorded, performed. I've a wealth of experience in recording & live scenarios, read music, compose & arrange, play drum-kit/piano/keyboards/accordion/percussion (congas/bongos/djembe/hand-percussion etc)guitar/bass/harmonica/viola owning all & with transport. Get in Touch :-)!
Bilingual Mix & Master Engineer who will change your Music Career One Hit at a Time!
Professional pop producer, songwriter and engineer. Worked with: TEYA, Remo Forrer, Hunter Falls, Dana van Bergen, Kes van den Broek, Kaiya Campbell, LONA and Losertown. Studied music production at the ArtEZ conservatory in Enschede.
Recent Successes
"Yonni is a true professional. He did an amazing job mastering our single. He enhanced the sonics while keeping the dynamics of the mix. He's courteous, knowledgeable, and provides excellent results in a timely manner...."
"Chris' profile lists him as a "genius" and it is true to the core. It has been a pleasure working with a talent that loves his craft and far surpasses the needs of the client. I have made a connection that I am comfor..."
"It was y first time working with chuck, and first time using soundbetter. I have had an excellent experience with fast replies and the result is just very impressive and on the spot of what I could ask for, and maybe ..."
"SUCH a pro! So grateful to have found him! Can't wait to get the rest of my stuff done with him! He accepts criticism and fixes your edits perfectly. Couldn't be happier with the way things turned out. "
"Amazing experience, the strings to my song sounds so good! Can't wait to hear my other songs! :) "
"Elvinho is on point with his communication and delivery time. Will definitely be back for more work in the future."
"Awesome Job. Thanks!"
"Beautifully played acoustics as always and very creative with the electrics !"
"What a great vocalist! Anastasia mastered her art! Phenomenal soprano! I'm Looking forward the next collaboration!"
"Noah did for me a remake of a song close to the original and a remix in a different style. Both are brilliant ! Noah is very professional and has always nice ideas. Looking forward to working with him again !"