Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with La Joven Guarrior
Hello! I'm Manu Luge. I'm a specialist in composing, producing and recording any type of music that the project you are working on requires. I will work to make this great music you imagine come true.
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Low cost music mastering service
In the North-West of Denmark, in the peacefull island of Mors, a musical analog heart meets a complex digital mind. A pure analog audio path is fed and managed by computerized precision.
Checkout records I've worked on here - sptfy.com/4Fnp
Hi there! My name is Otedola and I'm a Professional Guitar Player and Session Musician with band projects and collaborations. Recording excellent guitar tracks on your song are my priorities. I create original composed guitar solos and lead lines that compliment songs. I also do rhythm guitar parts electric, acoustic, and guitar fills.
I'm ready to help you get your vocals tight by editing and tuning them. I can also offer vocal recordings (backing vocals). In my studio I'm able to mix your tracks and to work flexible and professional.
I make your sound so good you can even smell its greatness! I don't sell studio time I sell high vibrations and great experiences!!
i am the dark horse you are looking for! The diamond in the rough. i am a breath of fresh air!
I make your song sound even better, you can bet that I love to do this and I can put all my effort to make your song sound like in ur head, I believe in hard work can do the difference
Recent Successes
"Maygen is amazing to work with, as always! She is a brilliant singer and a great professional, not to mention a wonderful person. She gives each song 100%. I highly recommend her!"
"Kimera is amazing!! Awesome at communication and delivers nothing but awesome service!! She’s definitely unique to the style, and satisfying to the ears!! 🤟🏽🤙🏽"
"Matt is a great mixer! Super professional and talented! Use his ears and vibe!"
"Dani is very professional with producing! I was already giving up on this project but he motivated me from start to end :) So nice guy and so nice to work with him! I can give my bless to this guy :)<3"
"Jason is not only talented at providing vocals, harmonies, mixing and mastering but he is also just a very nice human being. I wrote a song for my dying mother and he has been very generous with his time considering h..."
"East to work with and full of expertise! Instrumental in making sure my film would be the best quality, if it weren’t for his advice I would be kicking myself! "
"Working together with Dr.Chaii was definitely the right decision! Absolutely unique! The song never gets boring! He made an absolute HIT!"