La Florida Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
Is a music studio based in Providencia, Santiago, Chile. It has slowly been constituted in the last years offering the services of rehearsal room, recordings, music production, sound design, post audio ( voice over, foley, BG, SFX SPFX, music cues , etc), game audio, mixing and mastering.
I'm a recording/mixing engineer and musician/producer based in Chile, Southamerica. More than 15 years working in music and high qualified skills in music production, recording/mixing and post production of diferent music genres such as metal, rock, pop are a solid background in my professional career. Available on person and online.
Since 2010, I work as sound engineer and musical producer in my recording studio "PlexStudios", located in Santiago Chile, always looking to deliver quality service , personalized, in a comfortable and pressure -free environment where time is relative.
Is a music studio based in Providencia, Santiago, Chile. It has slowly been constituted in the last years offering the services of rehearsal room, recordings, music production, sound design, post audio ( voice over, foley, BG, SFX SPFX, music cues , etc), game audio, mixing and mastering.
More providers:
hi, im a audio engineer & and producer with more than 5 years of experience. if your looking for a great sound quality , for a good and affordable price, your are talking with the right person ;D
Professional Mastering, Restoration and Mixing.
I am a trained musician that can create music for multiple genres and mix/ master music ready for commercial release.
I'm a versatile producer who has already worked with artists like Mousse T. (Grammy-Nominee), Mr. Belt & Wezol (Spinnin' Records Legends) or Louis III. Let's get to work! :)
Alphaeduhelpers removes all plagiarism from your work and also shares a plagiarism report. Book your order today.
PayAttention, known professionally as PayAttention.
Affordable mix to help you to the top
With years of experience as a recording artist and songwriter, I’m May-Britt, bringing powerful and emotive female vocals that can adapt to any style from R&B and soulful to EDM and Pop. From soft, airy tones to strong, dynamic belts, I specialize in providing lead vocals and tight harmonies to elevate your track.
Recent Successes
"Natural amazing talent in voice and professionalism. I reached out to Racquelle on a monday night with a half finished idea and by Thursday night i had the most amazing realization of my vision! Quick turnaround time..."
"Benedikt is simply awesome! He is patient, hardworking and extremely talented. He was able to take all the tracks for our EP to a different level with his mixing skills. He has an ear for tonality and vocals that are ..."
"Great pleasure to work with. Dan works very good, wit high level of professionalism."
"Zach took a dry piece of work, and turned it to radio ready HEAT! Absolutely made sure he delivered exactly what I had envisioned. Wonderful work!"
"My 2nd time having the pleasure of Andres mastering one of my songs. This was a "lost mix" meaning no stems were available, but he did wonders on it and brought forward things that was kinda buried in the old mix. Won..."
"What an amazing Job as always with Camilo. Everytime we work together, we bring the best of us together, something that i'm really proud of. "