Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with l'entourloop
Run by François Fanelli, Grammy-nominated and multi-platinum Mastering Engineer, Sonics Mastering is a full-service mastering studio located in the south of France, in Marseille, created in 2003. We believe that effective synergy with the mastering engineer is essential for the successful completion of your project.
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If you love a fun outspoken island girl with a powerhouse voice, I am your girl... My style ranges from soulful and gospel to r&b and hip-hop at times.
Zahira’s pure and powerful voice ranges from alto to high soprano, and her unconventional, wide-ranging style and positive lyrics have a transformational impact on her listeners. Her vocal style and tone have been described as a melding of inspirational vocalists including Christina Aguilera, Madonna, Alicia Keys and Mary J. Blige. (Lead/Harmonies)
I will be your pop/indie/rock professional singer
We're here to help. With ten years experience working in audio we believe there is no better way to spend your time than in front of a pair of speakers.
"When recording vocals, I take the time to ensure I bring the correct emotion to the song. For me, a great vocal performance is one that shows emotion and vulnerability - both of which I promise to bring to any project I am working on. I am able to harmonize myself and can include harmonies if requested."
Need some awesome vocals for your Rock or Metal song? Count me in! I've been singing for over 20 years in different Rock and Metal bands and projects. I'd love to be on your song too!
Versatile and studied creative, skilled in singing, songwriting, music production, and recording engineering bringing a unique blend of talents to create your next musical masterpiece
Recent Successes
"Lachi is horrible "lol". So bad I've used her on about 100 songs it seems. She never takes her foot off the gas and provides sustained excellence. I can confidently say she's one of the best in the business at what sh..."
"I couldn't recommend Joe enough. He took the vocals from my progressive electro track and turned it into this awesome clubby RnB track with a whole life of its own. And he did it all, in like, two days, with excelle..."
"Joe did a fantastic job, I've been getting incredible feedback from other musicians on how amazing his remix sounds."
"Jonas worked very quick, was very accommodating working through my experimentation, and sent back great tracks. Great experience."
"Second time working with John & it was truly a pleasure from start to finish. John's very good about keeping the process moving forward. He has a great ear and works with some awesome session players & they were able ..."
"The first time I heard Drew's voice on SoundBetter, I was like: "Wow. That's just a perfect pop voice." So I hired him. Guess what? Now I've got a few tracks with a perfect pop voice. That was easy. "
"Great Mastering as usual. I know my mastering is in good hands with Carlo. Thank you again. "