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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Krypton
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I specialize in composing music and producing music i'm also an emerging producer.with a debut solo album to be release #AllMyDays:#ProducedByWritten "ComingSoon.
I did an album in 2016 mixed by John Fryer.
I made you my kryptonite I dreamed about you everynight .
Everything to make the song better. I believe that the role of bass within a song is to glue everything together.
Hey, I’m Deuanna! I have been writing for decades, but recently started releasing my work for others. I am quick to isolate the beat within a melody and create the lyrics that give songs meaning.
I am the first named "Genre Bender Producer". What does that mean? I am the Avatar: The Last Airbender for music! I am to produce ALL music is combine them in anyway you desire!
idk wut to put here i guess lmao
I am a professional singer / songwriter and guitarist. I have amassed over 100k streams from my own musical projects on top of having work with a variety of other artists. I am very versatile and can work in a variety of genres, providing a multitude of different services based on your needs.
Recent Successes
"Jason is definitely the king of finger-picking style(Folk , Country, Soundtrack, Pop Rock), That's the man to hire for any kind of project... I really enjoy working with him so I would highly recommend his service to ..."
"Steve was great to work with- super nice guy, very receptive to my instructions, while still adding his own sound and flavor. Very fast turn-around times- recommended!"
"Working together with Patrick is just great. He listens very carefully to what is needed and shows a lot of patience, even when I came up with some last minute adjustments for the track. Apart from him being greatly r..."
"Now that's a Music Guru,a real Genius I would trust a 100% for my release. We 'll work again dude. Thx for everything."
"Great job"
"Sarina is a true pro with a voice to die for, she delivered perfect radio ready vocals!"
"Kerry is a great singer and a really nice guy. It was a pleasure working with him. "
"Great talent, creativity and insight coupled with a wonderful voice makes him a pleasure to listen to.The job was done on time he was very thorough in what was sent back for evaluation and there was none.The entire pr..."
"Great job. Loved working with them. Excited about the next project."