Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with † krxst †
Multi gold mixing and mastering engineer! Greatings, I'm a mixing and mastering engineer for 7 years with a degree. I love my job and love to work with people who pasionate about their projects.
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I am an electric guitarist and arranger
Brazilian Jazz and Bossa Nova Singer
all types of ill sh*t
Diverse And Astounding Wordplay
Colombian-Costa Rican Based in north east area of the States. Multi instrumentalist, songwriter (Spanish Mostly), producer and videographer.
Are you looking for a producer to write a song for you? I am a composer, lyricist and producer. I write in Polish and English. I create pop, electronic, choral and orchestral music. I will be happy to cooperate with vocalists!
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I'm a experienced recording engineer. I work with many local artists, I mix and master and produce.
Recent Successes
"Hugh is definitely THE Bassplayer and his patience and concern should be the corner stone reference for all musicians and producers ! It is always a pleasure to work with Hugh and if you need a great musician call Hu..."
"Kyle did a great job with my drum track! He's a quick and clear communicator, he followed my notes thoroughly and made sure I got exactly what I wanted out of the part. And the tracks came very quickly, which is al..."
"Matt is a great professional. We had a talk, explained what I needed and we came to an agreement. After that I only got happier and my music is sounding great with his drumming! The guy is a find!"
"Aaron showed professionalism through communication and in his mastering works. I will 100% be coming back for more masters in the future. The end product was exactly what I was looking for and I am convinced he knows ..."
"Working with John May is helping me develop further as a producer, this is the provider I wish I had 8 years ago, looking forward to the next project "
"Ziv is immensely talented & a wealth of knowledge"
"My team is always over the moon with Elliot's work - a fantastic engineer who's keen on detail and even a better guy! Work with him!!!"
"Nice job and communication, Macau is a real pro, excellent ears, great attention to detail, his experience translates in his mixes, I will work with him again"
"I very much appreciate Fab’s speedy expertise for our Sound Design it matches really great and I look forward to creating with him in the future!"