Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Krazer
Unlimited Revisions, Credits: Sony TV, Innovura Entertainment, Aaryan Tiwari, Krazer, DJ Felix. 100,000+ Streams across all platforms. Over 10+ years of experience. Let's level up your streams and number of fans, with better mixes and masters.
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"Le Cockpit" studio provides online Analog and Digital mixing and mastering services.
Be different, Sound different. Get the extra push to sound like YOU!
Here to help you to achieve your vocal goals.
Unlimited Revisions, Credits: Sony TV, Innovura Entertainment, Aaryan Tiwari, Krazer, DJ Felix. 100,000+ Streams across all platforms. Over 10+ years of experience. Let's level up your streams and number of fans, with better mixes and masters.
Singer / Songwriter / Producer / Multi-Instrumentalist (specialized in guitar) who's worked w/ Grammy-winning and Grammy-nominated artists, songwriters, & producers like Harvey Mason Jr. (Beyonce), Ziggy Marley, Snipe Young (Chris Brown, Dr. Dre, Kendrick Lamar) , Keith Hetrick (Charlie Wilson, T.I.), and more.
I am a recording Artist with a base in Saint Pete Fl. I am especially gifted at bringing an emotional depth, and clarity to any recording, or performance. My songs have had over a million listens combined on SoundCloud, and close to a million on YouTube. You can listen to my linked album on Spotify + samples I’ve attached. Get in touch with me!
Master Live Audio Engineer, Studio Engineer, and YouTuber with over 10 years experience. I create audio content for my channel, Austin Harman Mixes. I travel all over the world helping Churches better their sound.
I am a producer, arranger, music director and contractor based in Los Angeles. I've worked with Usher, John Legend and Raphael Saadiq to name a few. My recent projects range from major label album production to episodic television.
Recent Successes
"Brent is easy to work with - he's professional at all times and is a VERY gifted producer. He made my tracks sound fresh and increased their marketability. Wouldn't hesitate to work with him again - highly recommended!"
"Exactly what everyone wants from a session musician, A+ communication (which is essential when you're working over the net) and gets the job done. There's "session drummers", and then there's professional session drum..."
"What an amazing songwriter! Fábio was able to write this hit for me in only 2 days. He’s very talented and made all the changes that I asked him very quickly. I’ll definitely work with him again in the future and can’..."
"Idan is a patient person who genuinely wants you to be happy with the track. He is willing to listen to your suggestions and will try his best to accommodate them into the project or revisions."
"It was wonderful to work with David. He took my notes on the song and added his own energy and creativity to it. He was careful to adhere to my lyrics and melody, and the final product exceeded my expectations!"
"Sime always communicated proactively and did a great job. The exchange was always very friendly and understanding. Thx again, sime!"