Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kravz
Skilled audio engineer to mix your audio into cohesive modern production of music and vocals!
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Hello, Im Sam and I'm a recording & mix engineer based out of Ravenscourt Studios in London. Ive worked with artists of all levels in varying capacities and am now based out of my own space in west london, as well as working freelance. Im currently working with a couple of great up and coming acts in a production/development kind of way.
I have a degree in Jazz Performance from Bowling Green State University. I am versatile in many styles. Throughout my 19 years of playing, I've performed and recorded with several groups varying from rock to hip hop to jazz. I currently work at Disneyland and sub for Saved By The 90s.
Vocal Studio is an international hub for music, specialising in vocal coaching and artist development, located in Toronto, San Diego and Latvia. We empower vocalists to reach their artistic potential by developing their ability to sing, record, perform and promote. Our services include coaching, recording, songwriting & music video production.
I make soundscapes feel good. I want your song to sound how its supposed to.
Upright and eletric bassist
Faliq is a Fusion Multi-Woodwind who plays Irish Uilleann Pipes, Whistles, Flute and Saxophone.
I shape and mold songs to be better versions of what they are, and find the special things to highlight to make sure they are everything they can be.
I'm a creative multi-instrumentalist with over 25 years experience primarily as a guitarist & vocalist. I have a professional studio recording setup and can record acoustic/electric guitar and vocals for rock, indie, country & pop. I'm also a composer so can aid with the writing process.
Recent Successes
"If I could put an emoji in this review, I would put a thumbs up... or like 14... All jokes aside, this guy is absolutely indispensable form my work. He is incredible. I needed a master done asap and he had it back to ..."
"Kilian is amazing to work with. He is quick, responsive, and mostly, his productions are top-notch high quality. Pleasure to work with him, and will work with him again. Very soon in fact as we are currently about to ..."
"Ziv was professional and very easy to work with. He produced amazing results much quicker than I had imagined! Can strongly recommend his services."
"They were excellent, helped me out a lot! I will continue to go to them for future work!"
"Stephen did amazing job! His vocals and lyrics were the perfect match for the song and exactly what I needed. Also the communication was easy and he is a nice person. And all these with a very good price. I totally re..."
"Timely turn around and wonderful work. Would gladly recommend to anyone looking for commercial quality masters!"
"Very talented, and the professionalism from Cole was awesome! Will definitely be working with him more often than not!"
"KIPRO DZ is an extremely talented artist. Very creative and enthusiastic about his work. He goes above and beyond what is expected and makes the whole process really fun!"
"Darrell is a great drummer, great musician and without any doubt a great person. Darrell worked with me on my "12 songs of Christmas" album and is very much involved in the marketing process...great job, great buddy!"