Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kravz
Skilled audio engineer to mix your audio into cohesive modern production of music and vocals!
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My name is Blare LeVoir. I am a Pop Recording Artist in Los Angeles. Please visit my social media for more: www.blarelevoir.com www.twitter.com/blarelevoir www.facebook.com/blarelevoir www.youtube.com/user/blarelevoir www.youtube.com/'user/BlareLeVoirVEVO
With 15+ years of experience in music production and mixing / mastering, I will help you arrange your songs, add production if necessary, mix and master your tracks.
I will produce, remix and master your tracks. Over 400+ tracks produced, millions of plays on Spotify, worked as a ghost producer for Roc Nation artists.
Producing and music is a skillset that you work on for life, and i've had the privilege to work in and around world class studios for close to 10 years now as well as with amazing people. I love hardware but I also understand the convenience of plugins.
Helping you achieve YOUR sound with the methods of 2020. Versatile and dynamic mixing/mastering. Come to the studio to watch the process and learn if you’re interested!
Hi there! My name is Roni. I believe that every dream can become a song. I'm highly experienced with more than 15 years as a music producer and over 20 years as a songwriter. I'd be honored to know you and to be a part of your musical path.
I specialize in a unique production/writing style comparable to Labrinth, Billie Eilish, and AURORA.
Specialized in hip hop and trap, I work for 5 music libraries doing hip hop/trap. Placements on various TV channels such as ABC, CBS Sports, Fox Sports, MTV, Telemundo, ITV4, etc.
Recent Successes
"Mike was so awesome to work with! I contacted him for background vocals and they turned out perfect. It has added so much to the song I am thrilled with how it ended up. I recommend working with Mike 100% and definite..."
"Kevin made an incredible track! His arrangement was thoughtful and he is very easy to work with. Don't hesitate to hire Kevin for anything!"
"I will not repeat what has been said many times here, but you can go there with your eyes closed! From the first take it was already perfect! Jason, proud to have you on this track! God bless you!"
"Definitely recommend Justin. He quickly delivered great results that matched the style I was after. Well done! "
"Bradely is a very professional and knowledgable audio engineer. Brings his own takes on pop music when required and delivers what the customer requests to the T. Will definitely work with bradely again!"
"Really great producer with fast delivery! "
"With his thoughtful contributions as a producer and musician, Greg finds and puts things into my songs I never knew would fit so great"
"Great communication, awesome results! Marco is a pro! "
"Scott did an awesome job on vocals for my track! Super talented guy, killer vocal range, great producer. Great dude, very professional, he just knows what to do. Gave lots of vocal tracks and harmonies to mix with...."