Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with KJ
I'm passionate about bringing your music to life and creating great work.
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If you need good sound and good style, if you need the heart of the audience and nice big sound, if you need emotions. You are on the right place. Tascam DM 3200 digital mixing console. Cubase, Pro Tools and VST Sound Editing, Mixing, Mastering, Composing Music, Arrangements. Sound credits here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mObKlSIkggM
over 30+ years production experience with high profile production teams. My Label - https://www.anirhythmrecords.com Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/5eVKJZM5fVtN1hUSRaqBLi
I'm one of the top 6-string bass players in Oregon, and one of the few who also produces music.
You need an original video game score or original voice acting? Look no further.
The Co-founder of Kaba Studio says "Let me get your song to the next level !😁"
Platinum Mixing Engineer based in Paris, France. I've had the pleasure of working with artists such as Daniel Ceasar, Sneakbo, Ninho, Hamza, SCH, L'impératrice, FKJ, Leron Thomas, Lefa...
Listen to my Mix and Master playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/46SceenfDYOyIenkjANBLT?si=f7c84e11f7e04a37
Haciendo musica desde el Multiverso! Simplemente quiero explotar mi lado creativo y que la gente pueda escuchar mis canciones. Escribo canciones con un sonido único experimentando con diferentes géneros. Me especializo en Rap, reggaeton, trap&cumbia Hispanic artist/producer making unique sounds by experimenting with different musical genres.
Recent Successes
"MariaGrid is the best to help me working on my project. She provided violin idea with many options and willing to listen to my direction and requirement. I really enjoy to work with her and those violin melody she cre..."
"Keep coming back to Geena for vocals requirements!! Easy to cooperate with and very professional! Great singer and songwriter!"
"Aleesia is a true professional! Vocals were great and I'm very happy with the results! She sent out way more stems than I was expecting and gave me so much to work with! Aleesia also provided great communication and h..."
"Maurice is a consummate professional and has great ears and top notch skills to go with them. "
"You nailed this one! and you even went further and did some extra magic! awesome work! not the last time we use your service! Great work bro! "
"Tim always goes above and beyond to provide you with the best! He’s also been an invaluable voice for me when he puts on his “producer hat” and tells me what he’s hearing. Thank you, Tim!"
"This is my second time working with Simon, and his work has been consistently amazing the whole way through! I needed the expletives removed from my song for a radio edit, and he clearly got the brief and worked with ..."