Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kit Boe
Sound engineer specialized in Beatmaking, mixing and mastering, EDM | Pop and more
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Studied Music Production in Tecnológico de Monterrey. Studied with Mastering Engineer, Allan Tucker.
I'm a female singer, producer, and mix engineer, and I know that greatness is in the details. That's why I've taught myself a wide array of skills -- so that I can follow and tend to a song's creative journey from its genesis to its production to recording it to the final mix.
You can search NoLifeCell and go through the catalog. I like my work to speak for itself.
Hi, I'm a full-time songster, composer, DJ, sound engineer and soundtrack creator from South Africa. Successes include traveling Europe, signing with major label Universal Music Germany and performing on the live ZDF Fernsehgarten TV show in Fuerteventura, Canary Islands. 14 Years experience in the music industry. 400+ gigs & 500+ songs.
Discover Your Unique Sound with My Experienced Direction! Whether we're crafting a song from its inception or refining an existing demo, I specialise in transforming ideas into professional, playlist-ready tracks that captivate audiences.
Singer, producer and voice actress. I sing pop, rock and latin music. Spanish, English and Italian.
Best edits, best quality...
LA based Multi-Platinum recording & mix engineer, and producer with credits including: Lady Gaga, Paramore, M83, Poppy, Ziggy Marley and more.
Recent Successes
"Work with Lynz through SoundBetter and in person in California. Created an original sound from my song references and rearranged lyrics for better lyrical flow. Fast turnaround. Talented and will only get better throu..."
"Marc's mixes are steller. I've worked with Marc alone on solo projects, but this latest project was with me and my daughter's band, and everyone in the band was involved and Marc was such a great sport. I really could..."
"In a word, brilliant! Can't wait to send this to my dude to see if he can place it"
"Wes and Laurel helped bring my holiday song to life and I’m, once again, very impressed with the quality of the work, professionalism, and how quick they were!"
"utmost professionalism, awesome quality. Will work with again; highly recommend!"
"Tom's work is always superb.He's easy to work with and has the experience that lifts my work to a level where i'm happy for it to go out to any client."
"Kim is a wonderful artist to work with. I had to postpone my project for quite a long period, but Kim waited for me. Also, she works very hard with great talent, satisfying all my requirements, promptly after my inq..."