Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with kiranee
Singer, Songwriter and serial music entrepreneur KIRANEE (previously known as Kiran Dhanoa), is back from the Streets of Bollywood in Mumbai after having spent 6 years in India singing for hit Bollywood movies and record labels! Kiranee offers a quick turnaround on deliverables and keeps your vision 100% in mind when working for you.
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Whether you need an exciting orchestral soundtrack or jingle for your commercial, I can create original music that's uniquely tailored for just about any medium of entertainment.
I plant the seed! I write music/create beats and hand them over to other songwriters for completion. Im the fire starter and create hits all day long!
I write, produce, and record music for Nationally recognized artists, bands, and Television shows. I play any instrument I can get my hands on and devote every waking breath to making music!
Experienced rock, blues and pop drummer with great sounding studio. I will bring my energy, experience and creativity to your music! I will develop the right groove for your track.
Singer, Songwriter and serial music entrepreneur KIRANEE (previously known as Kiran Dhanoa), is back from the Streets of Bollywood in Mumbai after having spent 6 years in India singing for hit Bollywood movies and record labels! Kiranee offers a quick turnaround on deliverables and keeps your vision 100% in mind when working for you.
I produce beats and tunes. I can't sing nor rap myself, so.
I am a male vocalist with over 28 years of experience. I grew up in a world famous choir and recorded my first own CD at the age of 12.
My name is Alexander! I love and know how, my forte is to come up with very beautiful and melodic solos, for this I have always been appreciated and encouraged. I just can't imagine myself without my favorite studio work, surrounded by my beautiful guitars! I look forward to being inspired by your music and filling it with the sounds of my guitars!
Recent Successes
"Very strong vocals and she knows how to get your song where it needs to be"
"Hard to work with. Wants to push the song into his direction instead of the direction first agreed on. I just could handle working with in. Hope he does better for others. "
"Tyree makes it look easy!! First time working with him, simply amazing. He took my song and made it a banger. Will most certainly be reaching out for my future tracks. Keep up the great work man. "
"Everything A1! Coming back for sure."
"Perfect job I want to continue working with Bert he is very professional. I like his style. All my tracks and album(s) have been worked on with a lot of care. I'm going to listen to this next album and find out a lot ..."
"Read some of the other reviews, was questionable as this was my first time using this website. He seriously is that good. Especially with the quick turn arounds. Also easy to communicate and vibe with fr. Couldn't hav..."
"We were able to finish my track. He mixed very well my vocals in the song and added some finish touches to the song. Thanks again!"