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Kinross KY13 Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I am currently working as a Mastering Engineer in central London and have access to very high quality studios. I am very lucky in that the studios I work in allow me to use them outside of office hours, and I use them regularly to produce, mix and record my own projects and projects for others.
Creative Vocalist who is multi-faceted being able to deliver in almost any genre with over 11 years of studio experience working under/with BabyFace and Tony Dixon, Roc Nation and TDE.
I provide professional final mastered recordings of great original songs, and covers. Like "Stand By Me," where I say "and I will stand by you" + a beautiful new melody bridge so the song reaches new highs. 50-songs like this w/ Misty, Ring of Fire, People Get Ready, Crazy Love, Everybody Get Together. But, my originals are the real gems!
Hey, I'm Max. Based in a state-of-the-art studio in Brussels, I'm a professional producer and sound engineer. Been in the industry for 15+ years, won multiple awards. Hit me up!
Do you need powerful backing vocals for your new track or in a rut with lyrics for a new song? Then I'm here to help - get in touch and let's get this song poppin'! I've recorded background vocals for Adele's '19' and Elton John's Rocket Man and I have a 5-octave range, I can't wait to work with you on your project.
Pop, R&B, & Hip-Hop songwriter/producer with over 15 years of experience! I've worked with legendary people from Missy Elliott, producer Bangladesh, to Notorious B.I.G. and Faith Evans. I have mixed and mastered records for NBA2K soundtrack and more!
Battling Blades creates high-quality handmade swords, knives, and more, prioritizing craftsmanship and customer service.
Recent Successes
"Mario is a great guy to work with, very patient and very talented! Highly recommended!"
"Josh does phenomenal work & communicates very well to make sure he delivers the exact sound you are aiming for. I've continued to work with Josh for quite a while now & can confidentially say that his work has brought..."
"Bobby is amazing. He's even able to write harmonies for languages other than English. Pretty amazing. I threw him something completely "foreign" and he was able to work with it. Second project and he nailed it again. ..."
"tyree is one of a kind person when it comes to getting the most out of your mix. He dedicates himself to it as its his own. You cant find that talent in most producers. Sending multiple projects his way. Lets just say..."
"Kramer is my go to guy. Never any problems, so quick to turn over great masters. It's really impressive"
"Michael did incredible work on my track and really made it great!"
"Superb results every time, kickin grooves and spot on timing!"
"They were really thoughtful and helpful with their feedback prior to starting the job! This enabled me to make big improvements to my composition before committing to the recording process. Extremely helpful and patie..."
"I am so impressed with the project we worked on.Delivered more than I could have expected. Very professional, I highly recommend working with Genevieve!"
"Great job again from Paul!"