Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kingleon
Cráneo y Bejo, Ken OB, Kingleon, Dafonseka, Rafael Cocoa and some more have already tasted my work and they all have had a more than succesfull result with my productions. Why don't you?. It could be anything, RnB, Reggaetton, Trap, Hip Hop, you name it! And if you are open to experimentation so do I! Let's talk and then produce.
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He began this epic journey in the soul-searching conquest of music, in late 2009. A lifetime indulging in the diverse flavors of global music, growing up under the influence of Western Beats in the United States (New York) - the hub of sound engineering, audio production technology, passionate audiences & competitive markets.
I am here to help your goals become reality.
Hi! I'm Wouter. I've been working with sound for the past 20 years, at award winning sound studios, now running my own studio in Amsterdam working for both national and international clients. I specialise in audio/dialogue editing, sound design, mixing/mastering. I'd love to see what I can do for your project and how I can make it sound better!
I produced and co-wrote the1999 Road March of Trinidad and Tobago.
In past I submitted tracks to Beluga Heights in attempts to get signed and was also advised by Zach Katz ,also have many top contacts to producers ,songwriters ,managers ,publishers ,promoters worldwide
My goal is to make your work something professionally creative, sophisticated but as natural and real as possible. Give me the opportunity to do it and you decide.
I can do toplines and strong vocal harmonies, guitar arrangements, bass lines, strings and horns arrangements for Pop/Rock mixes, keyboards, Mixing/Mastering Genres: Indie/Folk/Rock/Pop
Cráneo y Bejo, Ken OB, Kingleon, Dafonseka, Rafael Cocoa and some more have already tasted my work and they all have had a more than succesfull result with my productions. Why don't you?. It could be anything, RnB, Reggaetton, Trap, Hip Hop, you name it! And if you are open to experimentation so do I! Let's talk and then produce.
Recent Successes
"This was my first time hiring Chad. Awesome experience fast and on point. I had an part in the chorus that he did but wanted his take on what he would do and he was willing and he killed it. My song pops like buttered..."
"To my surprise, he worked on my intended feeling with precision. If someone's thinking about arranging a string, don't hesitate to find Jonas. He will show you the 100% you want. I'm looking forward to the next pro..."
"Andres is awesome! Speedy and lovely quality on his work. Will use again!"
"Wow, really incredible vocals from IneK!! She works very hard to deliver the best vocals within a very quick time-frame, and stays in reasonably good contact throughout the project duration. IneK delivered high qualit..."
"I loved working with Charlie! He responded quickly and has a great ear for production. He's obviously very creative and hardworking, I can't say enough positive things, but anyone looking for that extra magic to take ..."
"Katies turnaround was really impressive. I hired Katie to vocal comp a track that I am working on and you can tell she spent the time to really delve into the vocal delivery and find where to move/tune/cut things et..."
"Consistently brilliant, always enjoy making a rock song with Scott - many thanks for sharing his talent. A true professional on every level - Thank You. "
"I'm going to start a very good year with Marie! She is so efficient! Thanks to her, I now have what I need to make a very clean song. I can't wait to mix it and work on something even more ambitious with this talented..."
"Yet again, Michael is amazing! Super professional, super talented and a great communicator. 5 stars! "
"Amazing to work with, the sounds in are songs are super crisp and lush. It's the first thing people notice was how full the song sounded. Quick responses and turn times. Will definitely be working with them again."