Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kingdom Culture Worship
Starting out as a singer-songwriter / multi-instrumentalist, Steven studied a diploma of sound engineering in 2016 at TAFE, Brisbane. Since then, he has worked tirelessly to achieve the sound in his head. His first single, 'Hear My Voice' released in 2017 and now has over 100,000 listens. He specialises in inspirational music from the heart.
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we are good music producer
Hi! I'm an experienced drummer who can deliver full multi track recorded drums, as well as awesome marching drums and percussion.
Location recording, editing, and mixing specialist focused on classical, jazz, and all genres of acoustic music.
Operating out of my studio in Culver City, I've written original scores and songs for brands like Xbox, Honda, Sony, Marvel and Universal - just to name a few.
Hi, I’m Lucía, a passionate Argentine singer with extensive experience across multiple genres. With a versatile range that spans pop, salsa, rock, R&B, commercial jingles, and jazz, I’ve collaborated with talented songwriters and renowned studio engineers from around the world. My bilingual skills in enable me to connect with different audiences.
I'm a local artist/engineer out of Atlanta, GA that has been in the music industry about 8 years now and have spent day in and day out in and around the studio perfecting my craft and getting better every day whether it has to do with writing, recording, engineering or mixing I'm always working on music (mainly rap/hip-hop) in some sort of way.
I will bring you to the top. Your ghost producer for life!
Recent Successes
"Absolutely amazing to work with, great communicator and provides you with exceptional talent! "
"Professional, quick to work and always delivers an excellent product!"
"Markiss has INSANE talent and has gotten my music signed multiple times! The previous work he completed for me was amazing, and this time around was EVEN better! I don’t know how he does it, but he obviously knows wha..."
"Greg is a superb mixing engineer. He didn't hesitate to explain everything, communication was very good and the answers were very fast and informative. The only little issue I can think of is that the mixing went righ..."
"I am happy to have an opportunity to hear my song performed by Thomas Brady Lee. I am sure about his wonderful future. Highly recommend to work with him and if you have any doubts use his trial offer. It is cool to ha..."
"Lostchild delivers amazing quality mixes very fast and he is super flexible and patient with requests Highly recommended "
"Amazing job! Highly recommended! Delivered and then some! :-) Thank you undy! "
"I needed Daniel to help me mix two songs and he really delivered on such short notice! A true professional! I would highly recommend considering him for your next project. He has exceptional ears and has amazing sonic..."
"Tony is a complete pro and a pleasure to work with. Brought such a great energy to my songs. I highly recommend hiring this guy - one of the best in the biz!"
"He is very patient!! helped me the most and got the sound I was looking FOR!! I would recommend him to do your mix for your project!!"
"Soul and fire, absolute perfection "