Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with King Yzy
With 6+ years music production experience, I offer full ghost tracks and mixing service to get your tracks.
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Emmy Award winning team Re-recording Engineers with 10-year Hollywood experience. Our goal is to step up the quality and to exceed in client relation and service offered. Key in hand philosophy, a” One Stop Shop“ provides our clients with the highest level of confidence and comfort during the whole process of their project at “Ines Sound and Vide
Often times when recording, a song can lose its essence because of unclear intentions. As a conscious, singer/songwriter who is in tune with his dharma (purpose), emotions, and awareness, I am able to attune to your desires and really bring out the essence of your project.
I can rap/write for a variety of genres, experienced in versatile style writing, with a focus on witty wordplay and unique flows.
Award winning ethereal pop singer and writer for TV/film/Video Games and Adverts 10+ million streams on Spotify. BAFTA member. Credits include DISNEY, BBC, NETFLIX, SONY, ITV.
I will ghostwrite, produce and create a killer song for you. I've been doing this for a long time now and I am confident that I can take your music to the level you want it to be.
Work remotely with an experienced music producer that will give your next track the attention it deserves while rendering away from a mainstream sound to provide a cultural new wave. Conquer your next single, EP or album with a professional musician that's capable of elevating your overall sound.
I am a classically trained musician and composer who writes and produces their own electronic-indie/experimental music, as well as collaborates with musicians from diverse genres. My training gives me versatility to create complex and masterful arrangements for any genre, as well as play violin and strings at a very high level.
I am a classically trained audio engineer and music producer with experience in the hard rock/metal and dance music industry. My works have released on Atlantic Records, Universal Music Group, Ultra Records, Insomniac Records, OWSLA, Dim Mak, Buygore, Subsidia, Proximity, Sumerian Records, Tragic Hero Records, Facedown records.
Recent Successes
" I've worked with Austin on a project. Has done his job very well. I recommend working with him because he is a serious and very professional person"
"Scott had the perfect laid back vocals for this song. I first was going to do a 10 song vinyl album. Then I changed it to a double album. His vocals are so perfect. I'm now doing a triple album. Great job again! As al..."
"Daniel was a real pro! He delivered everything in great quality and to perfection, all the while being super communicative! I would recommend his services anytime and will be coming back for more myself! Fantastic del..."
"Being a massive Jeff Buckley fan, it was truly an honor to work with Matt. And while my song is certainly no “Eternal Life,” Matt handled it with respect and delivered his drum tracks quickly. I’ve performed this song..."
"Natalie really has an angelic voice, she can match all the tones with no issue. It is a pleasure working with her."
"Excellent job, very responsive and timely and really understood my specific requests. Thanks Waltz! "
"What can I say, this was a tremendous job. Daniel completely surpassed all expectations and with time pressures he delivered to the timeline and to more than the quality. I am sure coming back for my next album."
"Kenny is a GREAT producer that is easy to work with and talented with the ability to play any instruments and well with mixing and mastering. The project for me turned out super surprisingly good and I would love to w..."