Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with "Killer Unicorn" feature film composer
I am an award winning and chart topping producer, composer, arranger, and mixer. My works have been featured in Billboard Magazine, Rolling Stone, PAPER, DAZED, V Magazine, Interview and more. My works as a composer have been screened at the Cannes International Film Festival, NYC, LA, and abroad. I work fast and have solid client referrals.
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I am a professional guitarist with over 10 years of performance experience playing a variety of styles from rock, blues, jazz, to funk, soul and rnb. I have performed at prestigious events such as the annual NAMM show for 2 years in a row now as well as had the opportunity to work with many extremely high profile producers in the music industry.
Over 3 decades, Ariel Kalma published vinyl LP's, cassettes, and CD's. His compositions have been used for modern dance-theatre, films, musical poetry, guided meditations, transformational groups. Ariel Kalma has also played on many albums in France - even throughout Europe, the US and recently Australia.
I am a professional drummer with a BMus degree from the Institute of Contemporary Music Performance in London, and with more than 10 years of experience in gigging and recording. I will deliver a high quality, multichannel drum track, mixed and tailored for your personal track!
If you're looking for great quality custom hip hop rap verses Shamon Dae is the person to contact. With over 10 plus years in the industry, he has written for and performed with some of the best if your song needs the final push to make it a hit #LetsWork
Hi, as your new producer/Engineer, my job is to help you bring your ideas to life! I've been making music for 4+ years and I'm new to SoundBetter. If you have a song in mind, send the demo! I can assist with rewriting lyrics, making hooks, vocals, song patterns, arrangement and beatmaking! I'm here to make it happen for you! Let's work!
Aidan is a music producer and mixing engineer based in Oakville, Ontario. He graduated the Music Industry Arts program at Fanshawe College, and was a finalist for Music Producer of the Year in the program. Aidan’s experience has taken him into studios across the GTA working with musicians and podcasters.
Mixing Engineer & Latin Grammy Nominee with over 20 years in the industry.
I write, perform, record, and produce my own music - and I'd love to help you with yours!
Recent Successes
"Beautifully recorded piano part. I recommend remote piano. "
"Super professional; responds well to feedback. The tracks came out great too. Couldn't have asked for more!"
"Very Quick and skilled at his job. He finely tuned and cleaned my vocals which are now ready for mixing! Will definitely use David again."
""Supa" quick ! and very understanding :) "
"I worked with Nate on some rough demos I had and was unsure of where to go next. Nate's amazing musical ability really came through for me. He heard something I didn't and added some parts which really changed how I h..."
"Sam was great to work with! He delivered an awesome mix for my alternative blues surf rock song. He was patient with the recalls I requested from him. With fantastic attention to detail! I would definitely recommend h..."
"This was my second song I've sent to Matt and he absolutely crushed it! He really helped bring energy into the mix and added his own personal touches that sounded great. I posted the song on my social media and the ..."
"Back for a second time! J.O.Y is an exceptional vocalist and love the quality he provides on his deliveries. The particular project was a duet, and he nailed it! Was able to add creative contributions throughout the s..."
"Zach is extremely organized and approaches his work methodically! I seriously appreciated the way he asked how I wanted listeners to feel and many other emotional aspects surrounding the project. He is also very timel..."
"Eric has worked on several projects with me. He is always professional and completes task ahead of schedule. He is excellent at knowing what the song needs and producing it. Eric was willing to listen and adjust when ..."
"Always a pleasure working with Chris. Good communication and tasteful mixing skills. "