Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kill The Queen
I'm a graduate of Berklee College of Music with a degree in Music Production and Engineering. I focused on mixing metal for a few years and moved onto more foley work and mastering work. Now I work mostly in Mastering and producing demos for smaller artists
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Some one of the few that still keep the Electronic Disco fire alive!
Music producing, bass playing groove guru here. I work fast and in any style, get killer tone w/pro gear, and will send ideas and options until you're happy. My music compositions and productions are all over TV shows, and I can help you get there as well. Check out the reference track, "Help". It was built from an acoustic guitar and vox demo.
My Name is Johan Escalante, I´m Trombone Player, Music Producer, Brass Arranger, Have my Recording Studio and Music Copyist.
Let me mix and/or master your songs! I am a graduate of the University of Hartford with a degree in audio engineering technology. I know degrees don't mean much but they certainly help. I have experience mixing all genres but specialize in rock and metal. I look forward to working with you!
Music is about feeling and passion.
Self-taught composer/producer, making music in Orchestral, Electronic and Metal genres for games and media.
I am a Songwriter, Vocalist and Producer from London, UK. I have worked in the Music Industry or over 10 years and also run "MPK Music". (www.mpkmusic.com) I am also a UK Country artist. (www.mitchellkersley.com) I specialise predominantly in Country, Pop, Folk and Rock music but am happy to write/perform in any genre.
Guitarist and founding member of the Grammy Award Winning jazz band, Snarky Puppy, available to record and produce remotely or in person.
Recent Successes
"Once again working with Daramola BOOM amazing work he did the track mixing super fast and amazing results as usual THANKS!!"
"His vision is truly unstoppable, there is nothing you can throw at him that he can't do. He is truly a vision artist!"
"I had a great time working with Andrijana. She nailed the vocals I was looking for, for my pop/rock track. Andrijana was easy to communicate with, she worked fast & was super punctual and very passionate! She also del..."
"Working with Aaron was fantastic! He has such great taste and is a killer player with a diverse sonic palette. It was incredibly easy to talk with him about the sections and parts and his ideas. I'm so grateful for th..."
"Dom Kane is a one of a kind sound engineer who enhanced and fine-tuned my songs to a professional level. Don't think twice if you think of working with him!"
"Professional Affordable Short turn around time Great job in a short time pored his heart into it, also think he likes the song to LOL The finished tracks was well labelled with options to choose your favourites...."
"Developing new -ambitious - song ideas can be a daunting task for a one man band. The material always gets better, sounds better and works out great when Lydia in involved."
"Tex never misses the mark, loud and professional mastering comes back every time! Can't recommend it enough!"