Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kid Hartha
Professional mix engineer of all genres who actually cares about your vision. I have every industry-standard plugin, and I've been studying engineering for over 5 years. I also offer songwriting services for all genres, with a specialization in Rap/Hip Hop music. Finally, I'm available for Rap performance collaborations. Contact me for more info!
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Composer and producer behind JIVE64 (Warner Music Israel / Redlight Media) for the last 10 years. Remixed various artists like Peter Gabriel, David C, Marq Aurel, Yeho and more. My specialty is Electronic and Pop music with retro touches.
As a multitalented Mix Engineer, Producer and Musician, Derek's strongest points have always been great ears and superb musical instincts. He's worked on project for Century Media Records, Virgin Records, Bobaflex, Bruce Katz (Gregg Allman/ The Allman Brothers), Red Light Kings, Whitey Ford, Producer David Werner (Billy Idol), and many others.
I write raps, pop songs, R&B and folk. I vocal produce and will not give up on a project until the correct emotion and product is beautiful.
Hi! I'm a producer/mixer/musician in New Jersey, US. I've been lucky enough to record with artists such as Snøw, and work with companies like TED x.
Executive Producer at Forever Current Studios. As a Songwriter, my catalog has accumulated 60M plays to date independently. Worked with producers & artists: Ben Billions, LunchMoney Lewis, Schife Karbeen, Vinny Venditto, Krunkadelic, Zoey Dollaz, Tuki Carter, Devan, Hrtbrkfever, Sophia Gonzon, Rio Santana, Frostyee, Ki-Juan, Judah, and many more.
Singer/Songwriter/Top-liner & Producer
Hi! I'm Albert, hailing from Barcelona. I am a classically and jazz trained pianist with twenty years of experience in recording and performing piano, keyboards, and synthesizers. Collaborating with other artists and working on my own projects has been a true joy.
I can mix any genres and take your songs to the next level ! From pop to hip hop, soul to jazz, rock to metal, country to electronic dance music.
Recent Successes
"Bert is an amazing producer! His knowledge, and skill will bring your project to another level. Also he is very personable, reliable , and down to earth! Thanks! Lydia and Daniel"
"Riley understands what needs to be done. Very professional and creative!!! delivered flawless track! thanks for the help!"
"If you're looking for a mastering engineer, Ohad is the guy you should be working with. Not only he does his best to master the song according to your preference, he also provides advise on the mix to make your song s..."
"Returning for another great experience and he provided just that at a fair price too, very very easy to work with."
"What a guy !! So pro that i really cannot find words to describe the collab .The only thing that i can say is , if you want a great quality of music just work with Austin. Im already planning my next songs with him!!"
"Matt is clearly a well-established producer and mixer and took our tracks to another level. His skills as a mixer are solid! It was a pleasure working with him, smooth communication, and professionalism. We will clear..."
"Pleasure to work with Marcelo, he is a master of his craft no doubt about it. Great communication and professionalism."
"Bes has a special sense of sound and music. I love his style, especially how he gives breathing space in his music. He also clarified the requirements much upfront, and ensured we were on the same page before starting..."
"I‘ve sent my first projekt to KUYANO for mastering. And the results are amazing! I’ll definitely work again with him! "
"Lydia did a fantastic job on my song, truly bringing it alive in the way I had hoped for since it was written. She captured the emotional, musical, and lyrical content of the song plus added her own energy and fabulou..."