Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kezano
I sing, mix and mastering songs.
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Recording artist and producer since the 90s.
Clinton Charles here, producer and mastering engineer. I master track for all major streaming platforms - YouTube, Spotify, iTunes, SoundCloud and CD/DVD.
Music producer ( Rap , Electro , Pop Rock ), Composer-Songwriter French and English One song ? One album ? I can do that See you ! Contact me for my portfolio
Hi! I've interned at Horizon Music Studios with Vic Steffens, which had a number of #1 R&B albums on Billboard. I have a master certificate in guitar and songwriting from Berklee and have worked with various artists including an NPR show of The Last Poets and videos for Elle Sera, as well as a famous artist I signed a privacy contract with.
Bass players want to groove!
Professional Mixing and Mastering engineer, with 7+ years of sound production experience and a strong, natural ear for the sweet sounds you hear on the radio, I can leave you with an A Grade sound and experience for your next project.
Bespoke guitar parts crafted to suit your music.
Producer, songwriter, and inventor of the Rhythm Code system, a revolutionary approach to musical rhythm.
Recent Successes
"Another Stellar performance on this song... Alex's voice just keeps on giving me chills! Alex's is the best singer/collaborator ever!"
"This is the 6th song I've used Jason on. He is simply the best."
"Ziv is a hard working professional. Always available and going the extra mile."
"A pleasure and a half to work with. He was extremely communicative and was as excited as I was to bring the project to life. Arron understood my requirements very well and did justice to the job he had at hand. Hi..."
"My guy is a straight beast. Quick work flow, great quality and an incredibly personable dude. Definitely collaborating with him in the future. As should you Fam 👊🏾 "
"Austin is the absolute best! He will take the time to make sure that your track is perfect no longer how long it takes, he takes feedback and turns around changes very fast. Highly Highly Recommend. "
"Glen is very nice and patient and would listen & respect your ideas! glad to work together!"
"he has an awesome sound and feel for your project. he's a songwriter at heart so he knows how to write great drumlines and the tracks he gives you are top notch. he's very timely and communicates very well! Plus he..."
"Second time working with Kuyano. A true master at his craft. Will be back in the near future. "