Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Keylocker
Versatile multigenre vocalist, tagelharpa player, lyricist specialized in constructed languages. Worked on videogames like Guild Wars 2, The Pathless, Keylocker, film trailers (Gladiator 2, Star Wars: Acolyte, Smile 2) and sample libraries like Omen, Hellen, Nordic Folk Strings by Silence + Other Sounds,
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composer and audio engineer. friendly way to work, friendly price, fully open to the artist ideas and concepts.
I can take a song from chords & lyrics to a mixed and mastered production. I can also help an inexperienced writer to fine tune their composition.
Available to mix and master your tracks! Quick turnaround time. View all my work on my website, brianh.myportfolio.com
I'm a songwriter/producer from Sweden and I only listen to hits in Sweden because our radio stations only play international hits such as The Weekend, Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber which is cool. If you wanna do a pop/r&b song then you came to the right person.
Latin pianist
Hi , I am Mo'men also known as Mr.D , Egyptian musician..
Versatile multigenre vocalist, tagelharpa player, lyricist specialized in constructed languages. Worked on videogames like Guild Wars 2, The Pathless, Keylocker, film trailers (Gladiator 2, Star Wars: Acolyte, Smile 2) and sample libraries like Omen, Hellen, Nordic Folk Strings by Silence + Other Sounds,
Recent Successes
"Brad is one of my favorite producer in my music career I've worked so far. He works really fast and his work is totally amazing. High quality, having a great music skills and friendly. Can't wait to keep working with ..."
"Absolutely amazing songwriter. Gave him a rough draft of what i had and asked for something almost different and he came through amazingly.! I know who is my go to guy first and that’s will! "
"Seriously he's going to help you're music sound better. He'll give you feedback and take yours if the mix or master doesn't sound right. He's a pleasure to work with and a professional. 10/10 recommend."
"C'est la seconde fois que je fais appelle à Etienne et encore une fois, c'est du super boulot. Je continue de travailler avec lui pour la suite de mes projets !"
"Cory truly is a guitar genius, can’t recommend him enough. "
"Alex did a great job with producing an EDM pop track which I am pitching for sync. He was extremely responsive and took edits and feedback very well. He delivered better than expected. I would use Alex again for any o..."
"Amazing work! 8notes is so talented. He did an incredible job of bringing my song to life - and he was always helpful and patient. I am so pleased with the end results and I'm looking forward to working with him again."
"I had the pleasure of working with Hugo on my recent project Hugo brings unparalleled technical skills, precision, and professionalism. His drumming elevates tracks with intricate rhythms, showcasing a dedication to..."