Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kevin Hart's Let Me Explain
"With a track record of soundtrack placements with industry giants like Lionsgate and Codeblack, I bring a unique blend of experience and artistry to every project. Being an artist at heart, I have a deeper understanding of music's emotional power and the creative vision it takes to elevate your sound.
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Using the latest technologies, we can offer our experience to every author, song writer and performer. We offer a variety of services starting from a simple "Studio Experience day" to a full blown production with access to internationally acclaimed producer and musicians. We also offer freelance Live Sound engineering and recordings on location.
Im a 21 year old male who wants to be a BiG time producer the Hustle never Stops so Im willing to learn what i dont know and to share what i know want to work for Paramount label one day
Dance Music Producer with more than 10years of experience, my ghost productions are monthly released on Doorn, STPMD, Protocol, Revealed, Release Rec, Enhanced, & many others. More than 10 Million views on Spotify. Supported by David Guetta, Oliver Heldens, Don Diablo, Hardwell, Sander van Doorn, Tiësto, Martin Garrix, Blasterjaxx...
I'm professional engineer with 8 years of experience and I have completed multiple music productions courses. I will give you an industry/radio ready mix that is accepted on all streaming platforms as well.
After having worked for many years in different studios, i decided to better accept the end of this adventure to build another one: YOURS
My job as a mixing and mastering engineer is to elevate the potential of the song by increasing the feeling so that listeners feel the vibe from the very start.
great mix for not too much money
With extensive classical training and international orchestral experience, I am a Fulbright Scholar specializing in classical clarinet performance. While my foundation is in classical music, my versatility extends across multiple genres including Latin music, klezmer, folk, electronic, and jazz.
Recent Successes
"Working again with Wes and again a great stuff came out. Everything delivered as I expected with tweaking some things to sound even better than my vision. I love that kind of approach. "
"One of the best guitarists I have ever worked with. In 24 hours I got great guitar sound. It’s as if Brandon was working on this with bands that I like. He is a true expert in his field. I will definitely work with Br..."
"Julian did a stunning job with my song. Working with him was a very rewarding experience and I learned a lot. He was patient, understanding and very professional. His turnaround was speedy and his communication..."
"Running out of superlatives honestly. Whatever I've thrown at Jay he's absolutely crushed in terms of style and sound. Gets the job done and gets it done fast. Can't recommend highly enough.Really brought my tracks th..."
"Stellar drumming, stellar sound! And on top of that, an overall great guy. This is the second time my band has worked with Jason, and certainly not the last. I couldn't be happier. /Henrik"
"Josh delivered a great mix that I was totally happy with. He just knew how the song was supposed to sound and crafted an amazing, well-balanced mix."
"Chuck did a Fantastic Job! Highly recommend!"
"Always a blessing to get to work with Andres "