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Kerrville Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I'm a Singer-Songwriter/Rapper & Producer / Engineer from London, UK. I specialise in R&B but can do just about any genre, with access to both a home & professional recording studio. I believe music is all about feeling and endeavour to help my clients manifest the vision they have for their music!
Indiepop || Hip Hop || Minimalism
My name is Vlad and I am the owner of a studio located in the city of Kharkov in Ukraine. I have played the guitar in many projects and gained a vast amount of experience. Music has been a huge part of my life for the past 30 years, so I have become a sound engineer and professional guitarist and bass player.
You want a beautiful mix? GTFO. You want sounds you've only heard in alien dreams? Maybe you've come to the right place.
Ambient, Instrumental Rock and Classical composer, with over ten years experience recording and releasing music with independent record labels and publishers.
My sound focuses on being able to deliver a round heavy sound to rock and deep sparkling sound to pop.
I play what the song really needs. I have a broad understanding of how a groove can make the song even greater. When I design the drum parts or produce a music project, I have three words in mind all the time: Solid, Simple and Creative.
Recent Successes
"Alex is definitely the King of Queen! What I mean is Alex is the Champion when it comes to doing covers of Queen's songs. Alex will Rock You with his strong vocals. I had a lot of fun working with Alex on my projec..."
"Tipz was so great to work with, very open to my ideas, and encouraged me to really explore and share whatever elements were forming in my head on the spot. I was completely blown away by the production—so intricate, a..."
"Valentyne, is an amazing producer, and above all else, he is very patient with the type of work that your song may require. Very helpful, very accommodating, will be working together in the future. "
"Excelente persona y muy talentoso en cuanto al conocimiento de ingeniería en master. Muy dedicado y rápido para realizar el trabajo. Lo recomiendo 100% y mas. Great person and very talented within his knowledeg of a..."
"Amazing producer!"
"Melih did a fantastic job. We worked closely together, communicated well, the song is what I hoped for and were able to integrate my style of play into the song. He took a lot of time and effort, it could not have bee..."
"Andres is always professional and timely. He does great work and highly recommend him. "
"I love working with Kristal. She is a GREAT singer. She should be a superstar. She may be overworking herself. That is her only flaw. Otherwise flawless vocals. "
"The work was done quickly and my idea was implemented well!"
"Unbelievable, Zack always knows exactly what the track needs. He's becoming more and more the co-producer of my tracks ;-) Love his guitar playing skills and his creativity."