Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ken Kelly
I’m a house & techno oriented mixing and mastering engineer who has mixed/mastered music on labels such as Repopulate Mars, Solid Grooves, Experts Only, Armada, Solotoko, Anjunadeep, and much more.
More providers:
Remote Multi Track Drum Recordings with Pro Tools
Resonating with the alternative. Seeker and creator of meaningfulness in songwriting. My trademark is writing lyrics that are idea-driven, eloquent, and captivating while still maintaining the pop fleur and punch.
Creative mixing for underground rock, surf, punk, metal etc. genres
We make great music
Dynamic and versatile vocalist with 30+ years of professional performance excellence.✌🏽
A leading electronic online store in Pakistan with hundreds of brands and top quality products
Affordable yet experienced songwriter with several songs on national radio, including BBC Radio 1 Xtra, Kiss FM and BBC Radio 2, and several sold out shows under my belt. My background in poetry and creative writing imbues my lyricism with a unique depth, helping me to write songs that strike a perfect balance between accessible and layered.
Mixing and mastering in the box.
Recent Successes
"Best Job! Good Communication und Work!"
"Damvic completely understood the spirit of the track, the result is great, he makes proposals for the result to be better, communication was fluent, a real quality work- You want a pro quality for your track just con..."
"It was a very good experience for me to work with Rich. I really appreciate Rich's musical composition and productivity. Has decided to work with Rich again"
"What I like about João the most is he is not just another outstanding guitarist, but he always sounds like himself. He mastered his art!"
"great performers, highly recommended !"
"Loved working with Ziv! I’ll be back with more for sure!"
"Had a great experience with Matt when he mastered one of my songs. He is was very straightforward, kind and understanding during the whole process. And the result was an absolute blast: I got a punchy, clean and balan..."
"Kimera is very pro, speed and have a great communication. she add ajustements when necessary and takes the song at the next level ! No hesitation to work with her !"
"Niels puts the sound better in SoundBetter! Every project he touches instantly is made better and enhanced with his playing, which is skillful and also very deliberate - he is reserved when it is called for and he cr..."
"Sick vocals, sick groove and sick result. Definetly worth it!"