Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Keegan Warren
Published music includes R&B, Neo-Soul, EDM. Other completed work includes Hip-Hop, Experimental Electronic, Downtempo, Singer/Songwriter, Reggae, House. For professional-quality sound with distinguished creative insight and collaboration - I can help!
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I'm an engineer at Think Loud Studios in York, Pa. Owned and operated by members of the multiplatinum band +LIVE+. I work under grammy nominated producers Grant McFarland and Carson Slovak.
Mixing and Mastering Services.
I am an accomplished professional with over 20 years of experience in the music business. I've worked with acts like H Y B R I D, From The Ashes, Spit, Jerzie Audison, Trevor Seguin, and many, many more. From Hip Hop to METAL we can do it all. Our Mission is to give you major results on a minor budget with UNLIMITED FREE REVISIONS!!!
Music Producer | Sound Engineer | Sound Designer
I’m really here looking for a partnership in the future discretely as an independent artist.
Producer, audio engineer and DJ from Slovenia with almost 10 years of experience.
the music speaks for itself... Thank you for listening! x_X
I am a student engineer dedicated to mixing the best sounding product for your audio projects. Whether you have a musical vision you want realized or a quick mix to clean up a production, I can do it all! I am primarily used to mixing pop, rock, and r&b, but I love all kinds of music and am up for any challenge.
Recent Successes
"Brad is a true professional, and just not that. He's a very nice guy to. He have help me in many ways so big thanks for that. And see you in the future."
"Did a great job wrighting lyrics on our song! She nailed the topic we had in mind, and delivered fast. Totally worth the money."
"Give it 100%, great to work with and be happy to work with again in the future. Well done Marcello !! AAA+++"
"Great working with Austin. I was worried my song, being recorded in my apartment And not a recording studio, would not sound the most professional, but he made it sound radio-worthy!"
"Zack is an amazing producer! Very modern production and it was exactly what I was looking for."
"Was very nice working with Raena! I think she captured the vibe of the tune very well. Very happy with the outcome. You are a star Raena! Big thanks!!"
"What can I say. It’s great a vibe working with Riley. He’s a professional but also down to earth and knows his stuff. Definitely feel we made song things great. Looking forward to the future n future tracks. "