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Kearney Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Hello my name is Hampus and i'm a Swedish music producer that can make your next beat for a really good price
Most musicians want the ability to be free flowing while creating and hate being restricted to trying to make it all happen by yourself. At APT301 we'll manage the stress and help you create your next great song or project so you can relax and enjoy!
Give your music the professional sound it deserves with my mixing & mastering service. As a skilled musician with over four years of experience in the genres of Ambient, Pop, Hip Hop, Trap, Rock, and R&B, I understand the importance of delivering high-quality sound that competes with industry classics.
Confident, soulful singer Emotive and evocative lyrics
I run a media outlet called Beat This Philippines which caters to foreign musicians seeking a market in South East Asia and specializes in Production/Song Writing/PR and Events.
Soy Victor Yescas, Mi enfoque va más allá de simplemente equilibrar pistas, el compromiso es llevar cada canción al siguiente nivel.
Recent Successes
"PG's a true pro, very skilled and passionate about his work! His work is very high quality, precise, and you do not have to worry. Such work can sometimes be a gamble, but not with him! You know it's gonna sound awesome!"
"Kirsty has been so kind and patient with me. She delivered me high quality vocals into my project and she worked quick and fast. I highly recommend working with her!"
"Very easy to work with, and very patient. Great results, knows his stuff!"
"Stephen recorded an amazing vocal for us. He listened closely to the brief but still took the track to a place we didn't foresee - it is far better than we could have imagined. Stephen offers incredible control and ex..."
"Tony is extremely creative and I love his voice..."
"Brandon blew me away with the quality of work he did! Brought a quality to my track that was even higher than I expected and I’d definitely love to work with him again in the future. He was more than happy to do revis..."
"Didn't think the production could get any better but the mix took it over the top. Love this song"