Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with KC Gospel Orchestra
My goal is to provide inspired, creative and professional drum & percussion tracks for producers & artists worldwide. Everything from drums and percussion, to distinctive loops & rhythmic textures.
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pro audio mixing and mastering multiple gold & platinum certified
Hi! I'm Kai from Germany. I produce instrumental music since 2009. Mostly hip hop instrumentals but also trap instrumentals and if you want just film music with unique styles and creative melodies. I love to create good and touching music. But i also love cooking, reading books and hanging out with friends (sometimes ha..)
I have over 15 years experience recording and mixing songs. produced songs in different genres like, EDM, Pop, Trap, Deep-House, Rock, New wave, Hiphop, Rap Beats.
I am your partner for high end mastering and flexible turnaround delivery shedules.
I will do a competitive Mix and Mastering of your songs.
Julian Allen is a singer-songwriter, drummer, keyboardist, producer, & teacher. He has worked with Joey Dosik, Theo Katzman, Vulfpeck, Pomplamoose, Dan Croll, Logan Ledger, Moorea Masa, Swatkins, Rachel Mazer, Anna Ash, May Erlewine, Robert Hurst, Madelyn Grant, & others. His album, titled "Could U Be," is available via most platforms.
Over 20 years veteran mixer, producer, engineer and songwriter based in Nashville. Hybrid mix of analog and digital mixing.
With over 20 years of experience spanning several genres and as a seasoned singer and musician I’m committed to enriching your music and realising your vision through my unique lens as a songwriter and versatile vocalist!
Recent Successes
"Sefi did a great job mixing and mastering my song! I'll definitely work more with him in the future"
"What can i say that has not already been said here by the many other reviews. Mickey is simply AWESOME! She works very fast and delivers top quality material every time. World class talent!"
"Hardworking and a problem-solver, Joel helped me achieve exactly what was needed within a tricky situation. Delivered the product reliably and quickly."
"Gabe is a great guy and an amazing producer to work with. This is not our first project together, so I know, what I'm talking about. Gabe really takes the extra mile to understand you and realise your vision of the so..."
"Thank you so much!!! Thank you for your feedback too!!! Hope to work with you again soon!!!"
"He done a amazing job as always! If I don’t like something he works with me to fix the rough edges and over all I was satisfied!"
"Doesn't matter what kind of genre: Bram delivers the BEST Result you can have!!!!"
"Marcus is amazing, very talented, very quick, I am starting my 3rd song with Marcus this week, can't explain how much I am happy knowing Marcus, I feel home working with my Brother, you will be surprised working with ..."
"Again, it was a great collaboration!"
"Another amazing track with Sean. Again, his groove, feel, and tone are out of this world. He delivered multiple takes very fast. Sean is really great to work with. Highly recommended!"