Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kay Young
A sought-after violinist in the North of England, I have worked with top producers and artists around the world, and had my strings played on international television & radio. Being experienced in all genres of music, I can help you bring your songs to life with high-quality professional arrangements - remotely or in the studio.
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Mixing engineer based in in Brooklyn, Doing my best for your music to sound it's best.
beats that knock :)
Ranked among the top five of UK’s Music Week Commercial Top 30 chart. Check out “Lost In You - Princeloo ft Ami Thomson” here: http://bit.ly/2GBPso0
Professional and affordable music production.
Professional, radio ready mixing quality. For the best sounding mixes why not hire the best.
Professional drummer and audio engineer with a background in music production. An extensive collection of equipment and highly proficient in Ableton Live. Highly experienced in playing to a click from many years as a working, gigging drummer in Melbourne.
Bass player - Multi instrumentalist - Singer - Songwriter - Producer - Arranger
Recent Successes
"sorry i'm doing this late, its rather late than never. Jason Meekins is an outstanding producer with an awesome skill. His process of making my music was excellent and timely above all Jason did a great work of excell..."
"Jessie is a fantastic, soulful singer & sent me many, many options for me to choose when mixing my song. She got the job done quickly & delivered the stems exactly as I needed them. I strongly recommend her."
"Daramola was able to take a beat and add a whole layer of feeling to it. We started with a vibe and Daramola turned that into an amazing song. So happy with the final product. Can't wait to work with him again."
"I have worked with Jim on ten or so songs and continued to be delighted with his talent and creativity. Highly recommended."
"Marx once again delivered! He fully produced a track to a song I wrote (pop/hip hop) and definitely brought a vision to life. I was especially impressed with how he really studied and captured the essence of nuances f..."
"Chris is great and I highly recommend him. His pricing was the best I have seen, and he delivered an amazing high quality track for us. It was shocking how fast he did it all too. He was very nice and personable..."
"Gabriela has given me her patented blend of 'hand on hip' attitude with a dash of vocal sexiness. She carefully avoids being too 'campy' or lurid in her performance. She is all of the usual things that make projects ..."
"I asked Sven to record for a commercial that had a very tight deadline. And man he delivered it fast. As his description says "Kick-ass rockstar vocals!". He was very professional and had total care for the project..."
"Matt did it again!!!! Perfect mix"