Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with kavvo
Latin Music Producer and Engineer from Argentina. My main genres are Trap, Reggaeton, Dancehall, R&B and Afrobeat, but I can work very well on any genre. I also offer professional Mix and Mastering services. Thanks to my youtube channel I have been able to contact top artists and worked with mayor labels such as Universal, Virgin Music and Sony.
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Credits inc: USA Nails, Sweet Deals On Surgery, Salt The Snail. Creative engineer with 15+ years studio experience. Specialises in all things noisy / off kilter.
Producer and Songwriter with leanings toward sunshine pop and vintage sounds
First off, I'm an artist myself. That means I know how precious each song is to you. My end goal is to ensure that you are ecstatic with the finished product I provide you. Whether it be Producing, Song-Writing, Recording, Mixing, Mastering, or more..I'm the right choice. I've worked with big-name clients and would love to add you to my list!
I studied sound engineering and have been working in the music industry as well, first at Universal Music and then in independent labels doing A&R, project management, logistics and coordination, music consultancy.
Hi! I am Alex, a full-time studio drummer and educator, who´s passion is to play and record music. I´ve recorded hundreds of tracks for artists around the world throughout my career, and I´m always looking forward to meeting new musicians! I have my own recording studio, so feel free to contact me anytime so we can start discussing our project!
Rap , Hip-Hop & trap
Prepare exam dumps for the students to pass the exam easily.
I would mix your song for $150
Recent Successes
"Scott did an amazing job. He responded very quickly and was very accurate in following our instructions. He brought his own vibe which completely contributed to the song.. overall he really nailed it! "
"Wonderful singer with wonderful response, I would love love to work with her again in the future^^"
"Shipwreck clearly has a strong compositional background and the creativity ability to transcend a song to another level...."
"Not my first work with Alex, He's awesome, patient and he always gives the right advice to improve your work without losing your initial vibes"
"Second time working with Ryan, absolute pro and easy as ever to work with. First time we did very clean stuff but this time we did some thing funky off-beat and he aced it! If you're looking for pop to funk to rap or ..."
"Super pro! We did a live vocal comping session which was SUCH a great, fast way to work. Thanks Ruth!"
"My second project with Austin again fantastic mix and ideas. Very patient and great communication. His mastering skills are also exceptional. Highly recommend. "
"Thank you, Benny! Great work again! Working with Benny, you will understand why he is Grammy-nominated, multi-platinum mix engineer."
"Gideon did a fantastic job on a song for me. His fills were tasteful and rockin'. His kit has a really nice sound and I was able to mix his tracks easily. We will definitely do it again. Thank you Gideon, great job!"