Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with KARMAGEDDON
My goal is to bring your vision to reality and make incredible music together. I'm a producer, mix engineer based out of Phoenix, AZ who's worked with award winning artists, major labels, global brands/networks and indie artists from all over the world. I specialize in Urban, Pop, and EDM but I've worked in all types of genres over the last 16yrs.
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I am an aspiring singer-songwriter who plays guitar, and more casually, the keys. I have spent 3 years with a band performing original music and currently am doing solo music, and some collaborations here and there. I also am a producer looking to start making money through music.
Hello, My name is J Heras. I'm a professional multi-instrumentalist, producer and singer from Spain. I can make your song reach a higher level.
Professional songwriter .
I'm Nickolay. I'm new to SoundBetter. I mix music, do mastering, play on electric guitar and I do tuning vocal. I create any kind music (pop, hip hop, dance)
Industry standard sound at an affordable price. Don't hesitate to contact me for all your needs, I'm sure we can arrange every request. Prices are based on the job and can be negotiated.
Music producer with over 450,000 streams supported by top DJs like Lucas & Steve, Mike Williams, Brooks, Moti, Firebeatz, and many more. Offering mixing, mastering, instrumental production and ghost production services.
Joey Defeat, versatile Italian singer-songwriter, blends heartfelt lyrics with captivating melodies. With a passion for production and songwriting, he creates emotive tracks in Italian and English, spanning from anthemic pop tunes to powerful metal tracks, resonating with audiences worldwide
Recent Successes
"Great guy to work with!"
"Guy is extremely good at what he does. I'd always been hesitant to have someone else mix my music but decided to try Guy out for one track after having him record drums for me. In just a few days he was able to make..."
"I've worked with quite a lot of vocalists before, but I can say for sure that Ericka is The Best singer I ever met. She has incredible RnB skills I never saw before and It felt like I was working with a professional..."
"Working with Ruth was a dream. Vocals of the highest quality and delivered on time. I honestly feel lucky as I believe I have managed to catch a rising star. Fantastic experience "
"Another mix/master project done with Carlos, and this time he recorded drums too! He offered 3 different takes to choose from, which was amazing as each had differing levels of variations on my ideas. It was so great ..."
"Awesome to work with. Keen to collaborate again."
"Lydia is my favorite singer! I've worked with her on several tracks over the years and the result is always perfect. Once again she worked fast and well. A great professional that I highly recommend."
"Madalena is professional in attitude, skills, talent and delivery. She takes directions very well, has a wonderful tone and her recordings are very well done."
"Facundo is a great percussionist with a great sounding recording. Always polite and quick. "
"This is the first time that I am working with Jordan, and he gave me the track that complemented the arrange presented. I would love to work with him in the future."
"I love working with Brittany, she’s full of ideas and very talented. Always looking forward to the song with Brittany."