Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with kacti
I am a mix engineer and guitarist with access to state of the art equipment and studying a joint honours degree in music performance and production. I am looking gain experience, in both these areas by working live bands and artists, from a variety of genres, mixing their songs and possibly recording guitar for.
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If you are looking for something specific for your sound, then you are right here! Fuchs Mastering is a brand owned by Thomas Fuxa. Working as a mastering engineer at GZ Media, the world’s largest vinyl manufacturer and supplier for companies like Precision, UMG, Sony Music, A to Z Media, Thomas helps to make great-sounding vinyl a reality.
Serving passionate artists through the art of production and mixing to maximize their unique voice with intentionality and precision.
The best result is my priority.
I make the coldest beats.
Mix & Master
Producer, engineer, vocalist, multi-instrumentalist, and songwriter with a decade of experience studying at USC Thornton School of Music. If you need quality while being on budget, I'm your guy.
Second place winner of the 2021 Beatstars Doechii Remix Contest. Bachelor of Education at Musikhochschule Freiburg. Absolute pitch. More than 20 years of musical experience.
Recent Successes
"Very professional, experienced and proficient at what he does. If you're looking for that clear, crisp radio sound you always hear, Gerard is your man. "
"Marco is the best !! Always perfect work. André Kunz"
"Super fast and super easy to work with. Great sound. "
"It's been such a joy working with Savy -- he's a great guy, and a really competent engineer. Really patient and professional, and it was great working with someone who took a real interest in the music!"
"Amazing experience like always"
"Ziv is the man! Unbelievable bass work once again!! He never ceases to amaze me! Big things are coming!! Thanks Z!!! "
"Christina took my project and made it her own, rising above a mere performance. Her voice has such a genuine, heartfelt sound to it that really hits deeply. She made real art with this one! I am very happy with the..."
"Very good! "
"Aaron delivered a solid work on some electronic music and a hiphop track. I am impressed about the parts such as making the songs more punchy and making the vocals and the track sit more coherent together and make it ..."