Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kabizma - Entire Discography (Beats / Vocals / Writing / Mixing and Mastering)
Self taught music producer specializing in rap/trap/electronic/experimental beats for the last 7 years. Let me help you succeed in your passions by offering my services to give you custom beats, sounds, loops, songs and more.
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Torro Sound provides full professional digital audio mixing & mastering services focusing on the latest current sounding with experience of 15 years in the audio/sound industry. We work in full cooperation with the client's needs to accomplish their exact goals and get the perfect outcome.
I am a creative trombone player who has performed or recorded with many of the biggest names in funk. I lead my own jazz and other creative projects.
Broadway player and award-winning violist who has played in a wide range of settings from Saturday Night Live, to the New York Philharmonic and Houston Symphony Orchestra, to onstage with Ariana Grande, Pete Townshend, Coldplay, and Solange. I've also done orchestrations for classical settings, R&B, and Off-Broadway. Feel free to message me!
One of the best Mixing and Mastering Engineers in LA. Worked with all major Genres and so on
"Mohr Sound" is a studio that delivers modern high end sound for your productions.
Andy is the owner of Phonograph Productions; a music production company based in Sydney Australia, Andy is a multi award winning screen composer, film and tv composition music production and also offers guitar sessions at a competitive rate.
Hi! My name is Michael, live in Italy. I attended a sound engineer course and i'm now working in this field for a sound service in my home town.
Grammy, and RIAA Certified Gold and Platinum Awards. In a world where a lot music is made step by step, I strive to take a step back and judge my mix decisions by the story or emotional pull of a record. I want clients I work with to listen to records, not mixes.
Recent Successes
"Got the professional mix and mastering I needed. Very patient and understanding. Took the time to make sure the tracks turned out just how I wanted. "
"Great information, provided tons of insight, and insanely knowledgeable about the processes and ideologies behind mixing and mastering. I'll definitely be sure to work with Chris again!"
"Just wrapped up another song with Chad. He seems to naturally understand your song idea and brings it to life. Love the fact that he puts a lot of thought into the process and just doesn’t give you what you asked for,..."
"Again and again Stephen delivers brilliance! Repeat client and friend, and couldn't recommend him more highly. Thanks for everything!"
"Michael Gildner is purely a brilliant singer with an amazing voice. I would advice anyone requiring a good male singing voice for all genres of music. It was a pleasure working with a great singer and just as wonderfu..."
"I really enjoyed working with Austin. He was with me every step of the way giving me update after update, and always was attentive to the requests I asked. He made the vision I wanted for my project come to life. I co..."
"Always a pleasure to work with TJ. Easy, smooth and excellent communication. Did a great great job again on one of my songs. Couldn´t be more happy about the results. Highly recommended! "
"Working with Mike has been a great pleasure to me. Great drummer, he immediately entered the song mood and provided me with what I was looking for. Hope I may work with him again in the future. Thank you Mike!"