Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with jumper seat
I offer skillful and artistic mixing and production services tailored for a diverse array of indie musicians at a competitive price. From intimate 'bedroom pop' to a blown-out garage rock sound reminiscent of Nirvana, I can handle it all.
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Hey I'm 15 years old, trying to pursue my dream!
Session guitarist also doing liveperformances with danish acts
Ryan Kowarsky is an established Toronto based producer & mixing engineer. He specializes in pop radio with over 35 million Spotify Streams under his belt. He continues to write, produce, mix & master for artists around the world. His latest achievement is Dan Talevski whose last two singles both past 10 Million Streams!
My song 'Do What' is still hitting the charts worldwide. That was before I really discovered my voice.
I'm a classically trained singer with a pop, rock & country edge. I'm can provide vocals for your track, or take your basic lyric or melodic idea into a well-crafted song.
Multi-genre singer, vocal producer and songwriter. Super High quality sources promise to leave my clients super satisfied.
Popular Music Graduate focused on performance and songwriting, was in a rock band and working actively as a topliner/session vocalist in the Kpop music industry. Experienced with toplining, recording, lyric writing, vocal processing (comping and tuning).
Recent Successes
"Great Vocalist, love working with her !!!!"
"PEOPLE !!! Here he is a great bass player. Quick, precise, clear, correct. A gentleman. Enjoyed !!!"
"Amazing player, delivered exactly what was needed with dizzying speed and efficiency!"
"Vic did such an amazing job on this!!! We went back and forth until we got it perfect. He knew exactly what I meant with each comment and executed it perfect!!"
"Seriously amazing drummer. Besides incredible talent, Chris delivers freakin quick!!! He was very patient while I detailed what I needed and was very cool about it. 4 songs in 1 week -WOW! In the end, Chris gave me ..."
"Great communication, and most importantly great results !!!"
"Still another great successful session with Nick- this time he took on some acoustic tracks, he has an amazing touch and feel with the acoustics and engineers/records them with great foresight and style!"
"I use Raf weekly now for mixing and mastering my podcast. Apart from being an awesome sound engineer we often chat about things outside of work and they are a great assert to our team!"
"Fantastic and timely mix once again. Everyone involved with the song is happy with Agustin’s work. Bravo!"