Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Julie & Julie
Professional piano player and composer. I was classically trained, have a master degree, and I play and compose for pop piano and keys since 15 years.
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ISRC codes Inserted & DDP Uploaded NO EXTRA CHARGE! Providing Mixing & Mastering with the client in mind! I'm your guy. Imagine a product you still have the control while getting the sound right for Radio or an Album. DDP Saves You Time and Money Instead of mailing in your audio master.
Vagabond Lover is a singer, songwriter, and producer from the San Francisco Bay Area. Vagabond Lover has a unique sound and plays multiple instruments. Vagabond works quickly and produce accessible pop, hip-hop, and R&B music. If you’re looking for that big “radio song” then you’ve come to the right place.
Over 20 years experience recording, editing, arranging, mixing and mastering music, in a wide variety of genres
Mixing, Mastering, Editing, whatever it is, if it's Sound related, I'm in.
Latin pianist
No impressive “top credits” on my resume to be honest but I’m not afraid to say I’m probably the most requested producer in my city (probably Province/State). Started of as a beat maker (I love a bass that takes you through motions), but and now I’m a “full stack” engineer. I also create scores(just bc). There’s just sumting abt MOVIE soundtracks
Beats acorde a la industria y lleva tu sonido a lo profesional
Composer for games and films
Recent Successes
"Quick turnaround and the master was good. Paid attention to my notes and translated my mix faithfully. "
"It was a pleasure working with Dan again! I really like how the mix turned out and Dan was very polite and helpful throughout the process. "
"As always, goes above and beyond in everything. My track came out so much better. Very professional and respectful while still providing high quality stuff. Always willing on hearing my concerns and any other question..."
"You get your moneys worth for sure ... unbelievable composition and mixing to "
"Brunette productions exceeded all of my expectations on this production. They were super quick and met me where my references were with great taste. The mix and master came back sounding fantastic. I've never had such..."
"Amazing quality mix, quick communication, meets requests well. I would def recommend to anyone. "
"Great mix, but the communication could be better. I asked a lot of things and had no answer, it seemed like there's was not a lot of dedication. If you are clear on what you want, then he's the guy, but if you are not..."
"Fantastic vocals and that perfect & authentic country voice! We loved working with Steven and look forward to the next project! "
"Enjoyed working with Andres...he worked quickly and the mix and master sounded great. "