Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Julián Polito
Arranger, film composer, guitarist an lutenist. I've been making music since I was 13 years old and from that moment I've been doing different things related to music, studying and working with many groups.
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D-M@K Marlon Dantrel Putman, (born September 25th, 1991) better known by his stage name D-M@K (Destiny Made A King) is an American Hip-Hop recording artist, spoken word poet, and song writer from Chattanooga, Tennessee. D-M@K released his first mixtape The Kingpin Presents: GO! I in 2012. Shortly after in 2013 he released his second mixtape GO II.
Pro Tools certified, Sound Engineer, Music Producer
My name is Patrick Jonovan. I am a singer/songwriter. I have a very keen ear for sound and pitch. I love different genres/styles of music. https://soundcloud.com/patrickjonovan
My ability to quickly create music that adds depth and imagination to media makes me a talented composer.
Mixing is way more art and soul than science.
Acordeón y piano latinoamericano Arreglador de canciones
Professional EDM producer, mixer and mastering engineer with remixes and original releases on all streaming platforms. Featured on Triple J
Recent Successes
"It was amazing working with Jonas, he has very professional approach and the results match it! Both the playing and the sound of the drums are very high quality. Highly recommending him!"
"Matt helped me through the technical stuff with ease and I got him the files and the session data. He work on this song and sent my song back in a way better place than when I sent it. He mixed to the song and brought..."
"I continue to be a repeat customer due to Greg's excellence, efficiency and expediency with song mixing!"
"This time around I sent Gary a track that was more amorphous & open, a slow burner that takes time to develop. I suggested a Jon Hassell approach and he handled the whole vibe with ease. I look forward to rolling up m..."
"All is said already in the previous reviews - I can hardly beat it ;D. It was my first song/project and I am so lucky to have chosen Etienne! He is professional, creative, fast, hard working, enthusiastic. Collaborat..."
"Birk is amazing to work with!! Can't recommend enough. He's a genius."
"I Needed That Brian Donohoe Treatment For My Remake Of "Save Yourself For Me" by Hiroshima and he made my day!! Brian is one of the BEST things to happen to me!"
"Matheus has the ability to capture the emotion in the track through his mixes. Every time we get back our work, we fall in love again with the music. Consistently solid!"
"Jason is the only drummer I use, ever."