Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Julian Chown
POLYGLOT SINGER, SONGWRITER, TOPLINER "With her attractive voice, you will feel her voice inside your soul, the lyrics of the song will make you feel like living in another world. You will wish to hear her voice until the last breath in your life."(Keep Walking Music) I'm new on SoundBetter, but ready to work and create some amazing music with you!
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I'm a finisher, if you have a song demo, I can help you finish it by recording bass, guitars, keyboards, synths, and drums, If you have a song tracked and need it finished, I can mix, and master that song so it's finished and ready to release.
My unique specialization includes ghostwriting for up and coming rap artists, as well as being able to create songs that match their style and influence.
We are the open-minded ambassadors of a new era providing music as therapy.
Hello! I'm a Musician and Producer from the Czech Republic. At the moment, I'm a successful audio engineering student at Brno University of Technology. I have participated in the "48 hours" competition for a few times and have been nominated for best sound design. I'm looking for interesting and impressive music projects to help you with.
Hi Friend , i Go By The Name iFechi Music - i Do Mixing & Mastering i'M A Full Time .Music Producer , i'm a Songwriter :singer:Rapper:Creator : And A Helper We Feel Like The God OF Melodies . We Like To Work With Musicians , You Can Find Our Work On Spotify OR iTunes , As iFechi Music .
Film Composer with a background in orchestral writing, jazz music, and all genres of trumpet playing
Ever want to make something completely unique? Something only you had the keys to? Look no further. I've worked with artists of all calibers (see description) to create the perfect harmonic environment for live performances. I aim to bring that same intensity and atmosphere of a venue performance to your recordings.
I love making music with people who feel that they can change the world with their creations.
Recent Successes
"If I can give a 6-over-5 rating, I would do it... It was really a pleasure to work with him; he's talented and professional, and doesn't deliver less than a perfect job. I highly recommend him, especially if u're work..."
"Love how professional and the quality Courtney brings! She knew exactly what I described the song should be and was fast in her delivery, definitely didn't disappoint. "
"Aaron is pro. He's responsive, open to reference material to fit your style, and is great with deadlines. Most importantly, the tracks sound great."
"I gave Nathaniel a score for a 6 part string section, it was a challenging piece with esoteric harmonies that I knew would be difficult to nail. I had a narrow budget and he went above and beyond, spending additional ..."
"I asked Takeshi to play whatever he felt would fit my song....acoustic / electric guitar. Sometimes I am more specific with musicians... but I heard his track on SoundBetter and just wanted HIS creativity. The gui..."
"Tom is an amazing mastering engineer and super pro! I will definitely be working with him again."
"Mike did a very good job with what was asked of him and delivered for me. I would definitely recommend him for brass! "
"Martin is a fantastic bass player with a unique style. His bass playing is perfectly tuned to written songs and he also allows himself to incorporate particularly distinctive sounds into his, which give the songs a di..."