Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Juan Fermin Soria
I'm a seasoned musician and guitarist with over a decade of experience, having collaborated and performed with various artists that cover genres such as Jazz, R&B, LoFi, Pop, Rock (among others). I make sure to maintain the highest standards of quality serving to the writer/composer's vision, enhancing the song without distracting from it =)
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Productor de Mezcla con 10 años de experiencia. Trabajo como freelance en Warehouse Studio. 2 Premios Gardel a la música y 100 millones de experiencias recorriendo el under nacional.
30 years of career with more than 100 albums recorded.
A studious and eclectic multi-instrumentalist.
Economics exam help offers the best solutions to students ensuring that they score top grades in their exams. We ensure that students get timely and professional exam help services at an affordable price. Most of our professionals have completed their Ph.D. and others Masters and therefore, whether your exam, assignment or quiz
Recording Drummer (Samba, Bossa Nova and "pagode" which is a Brazilian rhythm)
Matthew is an independent recording mixer and engineer working out of his studio in Pasadena CA.
Elevate your music with professional mixing, mastering, and sound design services.
Vocal Tune, Music Production and Mixing Expertise. Make your songs shine like they deserve to!
Recent Successes
"It's awesome to work with someone that loves music so much as well, he is very professional and really really quick! Outstanding."
"Another excellent session with Ziv! We went through several iterations to get things right and he maintained a helpful and positive attitude despite me nagging him with many details :) Thanks and would love to work ag..."
"Killian continues to consistently produce tracks that WOW me! We started with two upbeat songs, and he knocked them out of the park. Now, we've done a beautiful soul-stirring ballad and he has created a masterpiece! T..."
"Woooohooooooo that was a great and proffesional work with Kimera , im really proud about the result, Kim did the lyrics as well as the vocal part of my new track (ComeWithMe) and im totally impressed how fast and prof..."
"Great engineer, stuck with me through the whole process! "
"Very easy to work with, flexible, made all the edits I needed to realise my vision! My kinda guy:)"
"Super friendly and professional musician! Matt gave me tons of options, and really fast responds, look forward to work with him again!"
"Absolutely love working with Marco. He's clearly a very talented artist and makes collaborations a breeze with his professionalism. This is our second project and there'll be many more."
"Jessie, is simply the best! Great to work with, understanding, patient, caring, professional and on time. It was truly a joy to work with her and I look forward to working with her on many more songs! "
"First, Luciano is a great talent. He took the time to listen to my request and crafted a piano piece that fit perfectly. I also really enjoyed the small but notable personal stylistic choices he made. It really added ..."